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"Could you elaborate on that?"
  • "I love all my children equally." - Lucille Bluth

    earlier that day...

    "I don't care for GOB." - Lucille Bluth

  • Mega Thread - Donald Trump Pleads Not Guilty to Conspiring to Defraud the United States in Arraignment - Washington DC
  • That would be a lot of political capital used for what? Why would Biden help Trump in any way?

    I would think of it less as "what could Trump give Biden" and more of "what could the MAGAs in Congress give Biden." Chances are good that a second-term Biden will need to work with at least one Republican-controlled chamber in Congress, and something like this might be what allows him to do something as simple as pass a budget.

    For better or for worse, Trump is almost literally the second coming of Jesus to a large number of Republicans, and commuting his sentence might be something that provides Biden some leverage that could allow his presidency to function. Again, not saying that's anywhere near an ideal outcome (I'd much rather see Trump rot in prison), but it wasn't an outcome I'd previously considered and one I could see happening.

  • Mega Thread - Donald Trump Pleads Not Guilty to Conspiring to Defraud the United States in Arraignment - Washington DC
  • Chuck Todd mentioned on Meet the Press a few days ago that his pet theory is that Biden will commute Trump's [federal] sentence if Biden gets reelected (obviously, Trump pardons himself if Trump is elected). As much as I would hope that wouldn't be the case (honestly I've been convinced jail time is inevitable for Trump on these charges and this evidence), I think it's pretty plausible this winds up being the conclusion to this whole saga.

  • looking forward to the comments
  • In that case, yodspeed my dude

  • Opinion - What are your thoughts on password managers? Do you use one? Would you recommend it to others?
  • I like the simplicity of password-store. It's just a simple wrapper around a text editor, gpg, and git that allows you to make an encrypted, version controlled password repository that you can sync between devices using GitHub/Gitlab/etc. It also doesn't lock you in to any app since the passwords are just stored in gpg-encrypted files.

  • Dear Red Hat: Are you dumb?
  • *sigh* Do I have to go abandon Fedora now too? I really hope they don't pull a CentOS on that one

  • I signed up for because I don't want to write an essay. Shout out to the lazy people.
  • Yeah I originally created an account at before coming over to The main reason I moved was because I wasn't a fan of the fact I couldn't freely create new communities over there (and I don't think you can create communities on other instances?), but also just ~vibes~.

    To be fair, this is actually kinda great to see - it's one of the strengths of this federated system. The folks that run these instances are being pretty generous already to just let us talk and share whatever the heck we want, and it's perfectly reasonable for a host to want to be selective about who they let use their resources.

  • Reddit CEO Steve Huffman's letter to Reddit employees in response to blackout
  • A lot of sudreddits are vowing to go dark indefinitely in response to this it looks like. Many were already, but the official position on /r/ModCoord is an indefinite blackout for all but critically important subs.

  • Redditors, how do you like Lemmy?
  • I've also found this to be true with Julia devs

    Source: am Julia dev

  • How will this work now?
  • Bingo. Researching product choices was one of my best use cases for adding to search queries. Avoids spammy articles and gives you actual discussions with legitimate dissenting opinions.

  • Communities for US States/Territories

    Hi all!

    One of the things I miss from Reddit is the various regional/state/etc level communities for discussing things that affect your geographic area.

    So, to help counter that, I created the /c/ community to discuss the goings-on within the state of North Dakota. It is currently devoid of people, as one might expect for a geographically-large but population-tiny state.

    However, what might be more useful for you is this list of communities that I've put together of all US state/territory/district level communities that I am currently aware of. I plan to keep that list fairly updated for awhile, so if there's a missing community, do let me know.

    Redditors, how do you like Lemmy?
  • Yeah, I also made a Mastodon account during that big Twitter exodus a few months back, and admittedly haven't used it that much either for the same reasons. I just never really have that many unprompted/creative things to say, which is kinda the primary use case for the Twitter/Mastodon genre of social media.

    Reddit/Lemmy on the other hand is way more about the discussion, which is both way more interesting to consume as media and also way easier for me to get involved in.

  • How’s everyone liking this so far?
  • I've been pretty pleased with so far, but I might have to take a look at that!

  • Subreddits you are going to miss?
  • I've made and if either of those are vehicles you drive!

  • Reddit experimenting with blocking mobile browsers
  • Forgot about Netflix! Yeah they've got to be pretty close to late-stage enshittification at this point. They can only raise their prices so much while simultaneously removing content before they completely lose their users.

  • Redditors, how do you like Lemmy?
  • A year ago, I viewed the Fediverse as an unnecessary, complicated framework created by a handful of well-intentioned individuals as a solution to a problem that wasn't really there.

    Today, I view it as a necessity.

    This past year has been a hard lesson for me to stop placing trust in massive, centralized web services like Twitter and Reddit and to start federating more of my online activity. There's going to be growing pains, but it's going to be worth it in the end.

  • How’s everyone liking this so far?
  • I've honestly been pleasantly surprised so far.

    Like, the communities over here are clearly tiny compared to the ones we've been used to over on Reddit, but they're also large enough that they have enough interesting content to keep you browsing. In some ways, the environment here feels a bit more welcoming right now than a lot of Reddit due to there being a lot of pretty high-quality content from folks that clearly want this place to succeed.

    That said, there's still some growing pains. Some of the instances are pretty sluggish, there are bugs that need to be worked out (this isn't to knock on the devs - I'm thankful this works at all!), and the number of niche communities is still vanishingly small.

  • Subreddits you are going to miss?
  • Also /r/justrolledintotheshop

  • how did you get into fountain pens?
  • At some point when I was a teenager, I bought a super cheap calligraphy pen kit at some hobby store. It was incredibly flimsy, the pen cracked within like a month, but I thought it was super coot to be writing with a fancy-shmancy fountain pen (and a stub nib no less!). But that was kinda it for a while once I burned through the three ink cartridges it came with.

    Then, maybe a year later, I stumbled upon Baystate Blue and was like OMG LOOK HOW BLUE THAT IS and had to buy it and a real fountain pen to experiment with it.

    Many things were stained in the process. I have no regrets.

  • flickertail Flickertail

    Avatar credit: Kyla Duhamel (CC BY 2.0)

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