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Weekly “What are you playing” Thread || Week of May 19th
  • Horizon Forbidden West on PC. Such a good game.

  • What RSS readers do you use?
  • Self hosted Tiny Tiny RSS instance with the Tiny Tiny RSS for Android app. Works really well and never had any issues.

  • Favourite RSS reader?
  • Self hosted Tiny Tiny RSS instance with the Tiny Tiny RSS for Android app. Works really well and never had any issues.

  • Gitlab Outage
  • It was great. QA wanted a bug fixed and we where able to tell them can't do coz gitlab was done

  • What are your niche hobbies you’d like to share with other people?
  • I guess blacksmithing would be considered niche? Not doing it very regular. But once every view months.

  • What IDE (Code Editors) do you use for programming?
  • JetBrains IDE all the way. Mostly Intellij Idea, WebStorm, CLion (for Rust) and PhpStorm. Once in a while Visual Studio Code for a quick text file edit.