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I like how htop has a little warning about uptime
  • @muhyb I don't know what a ghost file would be but you're probably looking for /proc/uptime. Which you can read but obviously not write to.

  • Why I prefer Linux
  • @denissimo the past 30 years have been a consistent arms race between h/w manufacturers producing ever faster hardware and windows slowing it down to never-before seen levels.

    Good for us, bad for them. πŸ‘

  • What are you printing this week?
  • @moira thanks, yeah! My preferences align quite well with that, interesting. πŸ˜„

    The Neptune and Sovol are high on the list, though I am strangely fascinated by Deltas (I partly blame @Tay0 for that) and Klipper so the V400 is at the top right now. Prusa would be a good choice also I'm sure, I know a couple ppl who have them and like them a lot.

  • What are you printing this week?
  • @moira very interesting, thank you! I'll have to keep that in mind.

    Still trying to decide on my first filament printer. So far I've only been printing small models in resin.

  • What are you printing this week?
  • @moira I had never heard of PHA before, thanks for that. Are the print settings radically different from PLA? Thanks!

    BTW, I can see your attached pictures just fine in Tusky on Mastodon. πŸ‘

  • fedops fedops πŸ’™πŸ’›

    My name is Mark, self-confessed hermit misanthrope. #childfree, #foss, #privacy, #selfhosting, #hiking, #gardening, #nature #conservancy, #EV. My background is 30 years of Unix and Linux sysadmin, 10 in industrial OT security. I'm also a forest smallholder.

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