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The Gruesome Story of How Neuralink’s Monkeys Actually Died
  • How did he get approval to do experimental surgery on primates for this?

  • Google sued over fatal Google Maps error after man drove off broken bridge
  • Man people are judgy as hell. I like to think that I'd notice and stop too, but at 11pm, tired in the middle of nowhere with no street lights? How many of us know 100% that we would have stopped in time? It's understandable how this happened.

    After an entire decade of directing people to drive off a goddamn bridge, Google should apologize to the family and settle. It's shameful. Get a better update team if you're going to provide a mapping service.

  • Danish artist told to repay museum €67,000 after turning in blank canvasses
  • I hate that he's trying to pass it off as some heroic Robin Hood gesture. If anyone actually follows his advice they're likely to get arrested.

  • Danish artist told to repay museum €67,000 after turning in blank canvasses
  • Haaning told Danish radio:

    The work is that I have taken their money. It’s not theft. It is breach of contract, and breach of contract is part of the work. I encourage other people who have working conditions as miserable as mine to do the same. If they’re sitting in some shitty job and not getting paid, and are actually being asked to pay money to go to work, then grab what you can and beat it.

  • Drew Barrymore talk show will pause production until Hollywood strike ends
  • Subs are fluctuating, but you're exaggerating to describe it as "bleeding". They're at 164 million and were even outperforming Netflix at the end of 2022.

    As CEO, Iger is awarded approximately $27 million in annual target compensation.

    Now that's a crazy demand! Did you know he replaced their last CEO who left in 2022 with an exit package worth $23.4 million? Even when they're gone, Disney's CEOs are raking in Disney cash. Maybe if Iger made 1 million max in annual target compensation, his writers could afford a roof over their heads?

  • Ashton Kutcher Resigns From His Anti-Child Sex Abuse Organization Amid Danny Masterson Support Backlash
  • I specifically stated that I'm not casting judgement on him.

  • Ashton Kutcher Resigns From His Anti-Child Sex Abuse Organization Amid Danny Masterson Support Backlash
  • a good and charitable man

    Was he though? I don't know anything about him, nor do I have strong feelings about his letter because I know there's a chance he was threatened by the most dangerous and litigious cult on the planet to write it.

    I'm sure if he's truly good and charitable as you say, that he will be free to continue those habits without bringing unnecessary controversy to an anti-sex abuse organization of all things. His letter directly opposes what such an organization stands for.

  • Greta Thunberg charged after blocking Sweden oil port for second time
  • The cop on the left, I know right?

  • Polly being a happy plant for once (ŏ﹏ŏ。)
  • Beautiful. Mine looked like that until it inexplicably conjured spider mites from the void.

  • NASA names chief of UFO research; panel sees no alien evidence
  • For a minute I thought this was the sad update to their potential evidence of life on K2-18b.

  • Psychedelic drug MDMA eases PTSD symptoms in a study that paves the way for possible US approval
  • Just to add to your point: in PTSD your brain will prioritize certain synapses over others that may help you survive through the trauma, but will result in a continued focus on the trauma after the event has passed. So those ~500 synapses in depressive PTSD aren't just lower than a healthy brain, but they're also the wrong synapses for your current situation. Psychedelics can help you develop new synapses that are more relevant to your current life. As someone who experienced this therapy, it's amazing how quickly it can happen, too. It's a total game changer and should be available to anyone who wants to try it.

  • A disturbing number of TikTok videos about autism include claims that are “patently false,” study finds
  • Pretty sure you could substitute "autism" with any topic at all and the point would be accurate.

  • Teen’s death after eating a single chip highlights risks of ultra-spicy foods
  • The 14 year old ate the chip at school, there's no mention of who gave the chip to him. It's a school administration problem, but hardly a parenting issue unless the mother bought the chip for her son and sent it to school with him. The mother came to pick the boy up right away when he complained of pain, rushed him to the hospital when he lost consciousness, and she is now speaking out to warn others about the dangers of this stupid challenge.

  • Woman upgrades house for $12K and gets evicted by landlord
  • True. Back when I rented it was a good situation because my rent was dirt cheap and I was able to save money. Seems those days are long gone with rentals sometimes being double or triple what a mortgage payment would be.

  • Woman upgrades house for $12K and gets evicted by landlord
  • Renting isn't the greatest decision, either. You're throwing money at a landlord and gaining zero equity. People often do it because it's that or homelessness. These systems are in place to take advantage of people who aren't the best decision makers. Just because they can be taken advantage of... should they be? Or should we be better than this and revamp how we house people so that it isn't a massive scam with the opportunity for extra side scams like we see here?

    If the landlord wasn't a massive dick, they both could have benefited from this situation. She'd have the renovated bathroom she wanted, and the landlord knew his property was being taken care of without even needing to lift a finger. Instead he got greedy, and rather than blame the greedy jerk people want to jump on the "stupid" victim. Except it's not her fault her landlord was a prick.

  • Woman upgrades house for $12K and gets evicted by landlord
  • I'm not arguing this point. Even though I disagree with how she chose to spend her money, I can still acknowledge that it's not her fault the landlord took advantage of her and kicked her out to charge higher rent to the next person.

  • Woman upgrades house for $12K and gets evicted by landlord
  • Except shaming obesity doesn't solve that problem, either. You're kind of proving my point here without even realizing it.

  • Woman upgrades house for $12K and gets evicted by landlord
  • Your advice isn't helpful for people who don't have the means to own their own home. Being trusting or naive isn't something that should be shamed. There's a way to educate people with kindness and compassion. People aren't born knowing how to best handle the legal end of a renovation. But go on and call her stupid some more, that'll help the onlookers. You and I and everyone in this comments section will be smart and secure with the claws we have dug into the insides of the pretty housing bubble. Perhaps if we bicker even more, the problem will disappear completely.

  • Woman upgrades house for $12K and gets evicted by landlord
  • A proper comparison here would be more like a leased vehicle than a rental car. It's not the "stupidest thing ever" for this tenant to believe she would be living there for 1 or more years and wouldn't suddenly be evicted. Your exaggeration only benefits predators, and your pity is hardly a reward to anyone.

  • Woman upgrades house for $12K and gets evicted by landlord
  • Everyone is so busy insulting the tenant doing the upgrades when it's the landlord who behaved badly. If all we do is collectively blame victims when they get taken advantage of, society will crumble. This woman wasn't stupid, she just didn't have her guard up in preparation for the massive asshole who had power over her. There's a difference.

    When you are trusting, you're called stupid. When you trust no one, you're called unreasonably cynical. They're two sides of the same victim blaming coin. Start blaming the actual problem: predators.

  • For pizza that is "30 minutes or it's free", what did you do when it was late?

    Did you just take the pizza and shut the door? Did you still tip the driver? I'd love to hear your stories of how you handled the situation.

    fear fear

    The only thing you have to fear.

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