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Nach Sicherheitswarnungen: USA planen Verbot von Deepseek
  • Zudem würden Untersuchungen zeigen, dass der Dienst direkte Verbindungen zur chinesischen Regierung habe

    Das ist doch bei denen Gesetz. Nennen die jetzt kurz den Standort der Firma prüfen und das Lesen des Gesetzes eine Untersuchung?

    "Die Amerikaner geben hochsensible, geschützte Informationen an DeepSeek weiter – Verträge, Dokumente und Finanzunterlagen. In den falschen Händen sind diese Daten ein enormer Gewinn für die CCP, einen bekannten ausländischen Gegner."

    Hmm, vielleicht wäre es ja sinnvoll gewesen die Bürger über Funktionsweisen und Risiken von Onlinediensten zu Bilden.

    Bearbeitungsnotiz: prüfen

  • datahoarder far_university190
    How to Hoard

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    > I have been lurking on this community for a while now and have really enjoyed the informational and instructional posts but a topic I don't see come up very often is scaling and hoarding. Currently, I have a 20TB server which I am rapidly filling and most posts talking about expanding recommend simply buying larger drives and slotting them in to a single machine. This definitely is the easiest way to expand, but seems like it would get you to about 100TB before you cant reasonably do that anymore. So how do you set up 100TB+ networks with multiple servers? > > My main concern is that currently all my services are dockerized on a single machine running Ubuntu, which works extremely well. It is space efficient with hardlinking and I can still seed back everything. From different posts I've read, it seems like as people scale they either give up on hardlinks and then eat up a lot of their storage with copying files or they eventually delete their seeds and just keep the content. Does the Arr suite and Qbit allow dynamically selecting servers based on available space? Or are there other ways to solve these issues with additional tools? How do you guys set up large systems and what recommendations would you make? Any advice is appreciated from hardware to software! > > > > Also, huge shout out to Saik0 from this thread: > I learned a ton from his post, but it seemed like the tip of the iceberg!

    bt4gprx problem
  • Right click, copy link, paste somewhere, copy long STRING between hash/ and ? (that info hash).

    Then put magnet:?xt=urn:btih:STRING into torrent client. Title should fix after metadata receive.

  • History often rhymes
  • There no intention to kill jew, sinti, roma, communist, chronic ill, homosexual or political dissident at first. They supposed be deported to madagaskar.

    Only when decided end solution of jew question they decide to genocide them.

  • My dog fell asleep

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    Are you the helmet or the cat?

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    the little tongue

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    Do Not Disturb

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    The littlest air biscuits

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    Distro and/or config for elderly person

    Hello, i have task to install a system for elderly person without much technical knowlegde (never used pc, no windows or mac).

    They need text processing, calculator and maybe spreadsheet.

    Want to disable anything else (setting panel, file browser, web browser, launcher, dock, terminal, login select, etc.) that not needed, all important thing only from desktop. Should not be able to go anywhere where not know what to do. But not permanent, might need to fix machine if ever break.

    Is there distro or config i can work off? Or need to start from scratch? What program you recommend?

    Thank you for any answer or recommendation

    Tippy taps

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    Family Ties

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    Fear me

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    Orange Squeeze

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    InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
    Posts 14
    Comments 267