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TFW you're a Reddit Mod or Admin
  • Sorry but I'm on the mod's side here. Some content doesn't belong on some communities. Most people upvote from their front page without even checking what community you posted to. If you allow things based on popularity, every community devolves into deep-fried shitposts

  • Court Bans Use of 'AI-Enhanced' Video Evidence Because That's Not How AI Works
  • Also since companies are adding AI to everything, sometimes when you think you're just doing a digital zoom you're actually getting AI upscaling.

    There was a court case not long ago where the prosecution wasn't allowed to pinch-to-zoom evidence photos on an iPad for the jury, because the zoom algorithm creates new information that wasn't there.

  • Modern web bloat means some pages load 21MB of data - entry-level phones can't run some simple web pages, and some sites are harder to render than PUBG
  • I always think it's unfair to compare things to video games. Video games are so inefficient they had to invent a separate processor with hundreds of cores just to run them. Of course they end up running well.

    If cheap phones had a 128-core JavaScript Processing Unit, websites would probably run fast too.

  • Modern web bloat means some pages load 21MB of data - entry-level phones can't run some simple web pages, and some sites are harder to render than PUBG
  • I'm a web dev and yes they could. It's annoying that web devs get blamed for it though, the reason for all the javascript is mostly business decisions out of our control.

    Mainly the tracking scripts which the marketing department adds against out will. But also it's a lot cheaper to have a client-rendered web app than a traditional website (with client side rendering you can shut off all your web servers and just keep the api servers, our server side processing went down 90% in the switchover). And it's more efficient for the company to have one team working in one programming language and one framework that can run the backend and frontend, so the frontend ends being a web app even if it's not really necessary.

  • I'd be angry too
  • IMO it makes more sense if the humans in Star Trek are unreliable narrators.

    How is it possible that a teenage mechanic can improve engine efficiency by 5% messing around in his spare time? Why didn't the engineers whose full time job it is to build the engines figure that out?

    In fact, cosmic radiation in space drives all humans insane. They truly believe they're doing science experiments, but stuff goes wrong because they're just jamming random household items into the engine.

  • temperature
  • I bet a lot more people know what 0°C feels like than 0°F. One is freezing point, one is a completely arbitrary temperature which only gets called "the lowest you'll experience" as a post hoc rationalisation of Fahrenheit. Most people will never experience anything that cold, some people experience colder.

    I even bet more people know what 100°C feels like than 100°F. One is accidentally getting scalded by boiling water, the other is a completely arbitrary temperature which is quite hot but not even the hottest you'll experience in America.

  • temperature
  • Yeah, like who needs to tell quickly whether road conditions will be icy? It's much more useful to know how much warmer it is than the arbitrary temperature Americans say is the lowest you can survive

  • How many times will I tell you?
  • The most fair thing to do, oddly, is to leave the seat in the opposite position it was when you got there; everybody flips it once, it may be before or after you use it. Fair.

    I'll remember this one, I love it when people are actually logical about things.

    Reminds me of canal locks. The etiquette is to always close the doors after you leave, and people get angry when you don't. But it's infuriating because it actually creates more work for everyone. If you leave the doors closed then the next person always has to stop their boat to open them, but if you leave them open there's a 50% chance the correct set of doors is open for the next person to sail right in. If you're in the unlucky 50% it makes no difference, because you had to stop to empty the lock anyway and afterwards you get to sail off without closing them.

    People also think closing them saves water, which is another can of people-not-understanding-physics worms.

  • Solving the Trolley Problem, the 🦅 🇺🇲 🦅 American® Way™ 🦅🇺🇲🦅
  • Do you think that the US defending its interests in Ukraine and helping them is a bad Idea?


    Or that defending their Interests in Taiwan and helping them is a bad Idea?


    Or did you think that the US ousting the Taliban and giving Girls an Education and Future was a bad Idea?

    lol how did that work out

    Or that defending global Shipping from Houthi-Terrorism is a bad Idea?

    You mean defending Israeli shipping from sanctions, in order to support the genocide in occupied Palestine? What kind of answer did you even expect to this one?

  • Please Stop
  • The dude who owns the election server won’t be able to manipulate results in any way.

    Sure he will. He can just ignore votes for one candidate and not add them to the chain. Blockchains are only resistant to manipulation if they're distributed and people agree on the canonical version. Even then if enough people agree to manipulate them they can, like they did with Ethereum.

  • TVs then vs TVs now
  • “But”, you might say, “the flatpanel can’t go any faster than it’s fed that NTSC signal, so its latency will be at least that much plus the upscaler plus its pixel response time”.

    Won't it be at least double, because it reads the whole frame into memory before displaying it?

  • Wearing multiple hats
  • One thing I don't think women realize about making friends as a man is the way you're treated by other people. It isn't all due to lack of trying, it's also that everyone has their guard up against you.

    I've heard trans men talk about this, how they get super lonely after coming out. Presenting as a woman they were used to women being kind and men being friendly (even if they had an ulterior motive). Suddenly once you present as a man no one's nice to you any more, lol

  • What does a PhD mean?
  • If I would guess, 60-70% of everything I have learned was in high school

    Do you think so? IMHO people overestimate how much they learned in high school because 4 years felt like a really long time at that age, and it felt hard because students don't care and aren't paying attention.

    If you have a bachelor's, master's and a PhD you've spent like 8-10 years studying full time and working harder than you did as a teenager. I don't think it's plausible you learned less in that time than you did in high school.

  • Strange times...
  • Come up with a definition of "chair" that applies to all chairs and doesn't apply to any non-chairs.

    Or "sport", or "hole".

    Doesn't mean none of these things exist, or that you have to listen to a scientist who insists on a definition where barstools aren't chairs but treestumps are.

  • I'm going to my friends Hamas base RULE dinner
  • It's also worth pointing out what should be obvious - there was no Christianity or Islam 2000+ years ago. The fact the modern Palestinian population is Christian and Muslim doesn't mean they came from somewhere else!

  • You'd think white car would be a fan of separated bike lanes...
  • It's superficially convincing but if it was true you wouldn't need an infographic. Drivers would notice for themselves that it's better for them. In practice it's easy to overtake cyclists in a line and impossible to overtake them side-by-side. I've never overtaken side-by-side cyclists in my life, when that happens you're stuck behind them until they make a turn.

    What actually happens is, like the footnote says, cyclists doing this take up the whole lane, they don't tuck in like image 4, so point 3 and 4 are both false.

    3 is wrong because having enough time to pull to the center doesn't mean you have enough time to pull fully into the other lane and back. A safe overtake is made impossible because the required time is longer.

    4 is wrong because with cyclists across the lane you get just as close to them when fully in the other lane as in image 1, and it's just as dangerous as in-lane overtaking.

    5 is just dumb. Both groups take the same time to overtake because of the extra time taken to pull over, and you have way more opportunities to straddle overtake, not to mention the side-by-side groups blocking visibility reducing opportunities even further.

    I commute by bike every day and don't own a car, I will fully block lanes when I don't want to be overtaken, but I still think this is annoying selfish behavior.

  • Those of use that were diagnosed as *audults*, what things from your past suddenly made sense with the new insight?
  • Dropping out of college; as a freshman I drank all the time, didn't eat properly or clean, stayed up all night and slept in the day, and was often too anxious to go to class. I dropped out by the end of the year.

    I suspected """""high functioning""""" autism for a long time, but since my actual diagnosis I've looked back and realized I'm probably not capable of living independently. After dropping out I moved back in with family and didn't move out again until I had a girlfriend I could share responsibilities with.

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