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Arch users trying to print files
  • @grishka @ABasilPlant @AncientGood I made a very little (re)search and found what all main components: #postscript , Printer Command Language ( #PCL ) and a bunch of ISO standards not a subject of licensing. I dunno, maybe this anti #privacy shit: — should be licensed 🤷‍♂️

  • evgandr Eugene

    Hello! My name is Eugene and this is my microblog.

    Here you can find posts about my main hobbies:

    1. IT — I usually write about different crazy things
    2. Photography — since digital cameras were invented, I can carry another one small computer w. big lens with me. And this is cool!
    3. Bicycle
    4. Leathercraft — good to mental health when you can do something with your hands.
    Posts 0
    Comments 1