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Any info on companion combat abilities?
  • A lot of things has not improved since Fallout from what I saw on twitch tonight :'( AI is one of those things...

  • Test Fairphone 5 : le smartphone modulaire gagne en maturité (#fairphone)
  • Le pinephone pro n'est pas assez puissant pour faire tourner des jeux mais oui il est possible d'installer sur le téléphone waydroid qui permet de faire tourner des applis android avec des perfs native (vu que le telephone est sur un proc arm64, pas besoin d'emuler le hardware, du coup un container suffit et c'est ce sur quoi s'appuie waydroid)

  • Test Fairphone 5 : le smartphone modulaire gagne en maturité (#fairphone)
  • En tout cas pas de soucis pour le moment ^^

  • One of the Russian Il-76s after the UAV attack in Pskov.
  • Russian propaganda is right, only a few scratch, the hole is not due to the explosion but because russian air force is testing convertible bomber so pilot can feel the air flow and the sun when it's summer

  • Test Fairphone 5 : le smartphone modulaire gagne en maturité (#fairphone)
  • J'utilise manjaro avec plasma mobile et la version pro est vraiment plus mature, plus réactif et stable (pas eu de crash ou de bug pour le moment, je croise les doigts ^^). Et j'aime le fait que les applis Android tournent dans un container qui empeche tout tracking des applis les moins safe en les killant pour de bon quand je kill le container, sans oublier que l'accès root n'est pas en mode tout ou rien (ou toutes les applis on un accès root, même si on le cache, ou tu n'as pas d'accès root). Choses que je ne peux pas garantir avec AOSP, /e/ ou Lineage.

  • Test Fairphone 5 : le smartphone modulaire gagne en maturité (#fairphone)
  • Perso j'avais un Fairphone 4 mais je l'ai remplacé ce mois-ci par un pinephone pro qui me convient parfaitement...

  • Franchement...
  • C'est pas faux

  • Custom Mech Wars - Announcement Trailer
  • If you want a mech game where mechs weight and movement are closer to what AC was, you have Gundam Battle Operation 2.

  • Tronche en Biais bloqué sur différents instances de Mastodon
  • Je pense que le blocage est justifié mais les admins via les messages de PrincesseConnasse et les personnes qui commentent font ce qu'elles reprochent a La Tronche en Biais, à savoir un processus de harcèlement en retraçant tout son historique en l'exposant publiquement à un publique qui n'est pas neutre sur le sujet. Donc bien que la peine est justifiée, il y a une hypocrisie des admins dans leurs communications et l'absence de réaction aux commentaires de cette communication.

  • We've had Dark Sector hints this whole time
  • I'm more concerned about all the data Tencent is collecting on behalf of PCC party. It is know that Tencent agreement with Discord imply data collection and data storage in china. The more Tencent buy companies, the more they collect data and the more they collect data, the more they know about you: which community you have joined on discord, who are your online friends, when you are online, who you talk to and your attitude toward them, how much money you spend in MTX (in Warframe and other games owned by them) and because discord act like a spyware, they know which program is installed on your computer, etc.... They don't specifically target you or me but neural networks best job is to sort data and find models in order to find the best way to trigger emotional answer and manipulate you, shiuld it be to makes you more willingly to spend money on MTX or pushing you to oppose regional or national decision that is bad for China.

    A lot of people think MAAMA (ex-GAFAM) are a privacy nightmare and they are, but Tencent is way worst because they have more diversity in their bying meaning they know more about everyone AND thanks to discord contract leak we know they provide those datas to the PCC for their international propaganda.

  • We've had Dark Sector hints this whole time
  • Just like the Xeboblade/Monolith situation where fans expect Xenosaga to become cannon in the Xenoblade universe after a 1 minute video they over interpret without concerns about the legal and profit part (Xenoblade is owned by Nintendo, Xenosaga by Bandai and Nintendo would never share the benefit made on Xenoblade just to make fans happy), we have fans expecting the fusion of Dark Sector and Warframe with an over interpreted video of 5 minutes.

    Like you said DE can create something similar without it being Dark Sector. That would be a more logical thing they would do based on law.

    Unless we have a wall street news that announce that the IP change hands or that Tencent now own Deep Silver prior to that trailer (because not doing it in that order could be consider a market manipulation that would be sanctions by the FTC) the only possible outcome stay the same as before: Dark Sector and Warframe are 2 differents things.

  • We've had Dark Sector hints this whole time
  • I would prefer Tencent to disappear. It has become a way too big company to not be concerning and even if they saved Warframe by buying DE, I think on the long terms it's better for icarus to fall...

  • We've had Dark Sector hints this whole time
  • Well, even if Dark Sector has been made by DE, the IP is owned by Deep Silver so I don't see how they could integrate the game to Warframe's lore without risking a trial...

  • Warframe | TennoCon 2023 has just begun!
  • Ok, I really need an update on warframe timeline now... If Arthur is the first excalibur in 1999 but Orokins looks like Orokins in the sacrifice flashback how is it possible that now they looks like humans in 1999...

  • [Discussion] Utilisation et présence sur le fédivers
  • L'url du fork si tu veux en savoir plus:

  • [Discussion] Utilisation et présence sur le fédivers
  • Si tu veux voir un equivalent de Discord dans le fedivers, tu as Matrix, qui propose dans son utilisation minimale ce que propose Discord. Les diplomates Français et Allemands utilisent d'ailleurs un fork de Matrix pour communiquer en toute sécurité entre eux et avec Paris.

  • [Discussion] Utilisation et présence sur le fédivers
  • J'ai quitté tous les réseaux sociaux centralisés en 2012. Quand Mastodon a montré les capacités de ActivityPub en 2017, j'ai suivi et maintenant j'autohéberge une instance Mastodon, Lemmy, Peertube, Funkwhale et un site connecté à ActivityPub. Ainsi qu'une instance Matrix qui n'utilise pas ActivityPub mais est considéré comme faisant partie du fedivers.

  • [Fediverse] Comment expliquer que soit la 5ème instance mondiale, alors que est 33ème? Comment y remédier?
  • L'état Allemand soutient le fedivers contrairement à la France: des instances officielles mastodon ont été créées et sont devenus la méthode officielle de communication "sociale" des parlementaires et de l'état allemands. Du coup quand être sur le fedivers est necessaire pour se tenir informer à la source, ça aide a développer le réseau...

    Edit: url de l'instance en question:

  • Ghost in the Shell SAC_2045: The Last Human New Visual
  • The first season alone is meh, but the second season twist completly the 1st season feeling and make the whole series a really good full fledged GitS SAC and nothing in the second season feels like everything in the 1st season is retcon based on the reception but a plan decided from the beginning. After SAC_2045 i'm confident they can make another really good SAC TV show or movie in 2023. But you have to accept the really bad CGI in the first 8 episodes of SAC_2045 to enjoy the ride ^^

  • Le patron de Wagner, Evgueni Prigojine, mort dans le crash d’un avion en Russie – Libération
  • Il avait parfaitement maitrisé sa communication et l'OSINT n'a jamais pu prouver cette affirmation car la vidéo ne montrait rien qui puisse geolocaliser Prigojine en Afrique et pas en Europe

  • Reddit erin Canvas -- Lemmy's r/Place

    Place pixels with people to create art

    Spez has been stripped of it's most powerfull communication tool because now we have an open source decentralized version of it :)

    4 Canvas -- Lemmy's r/Place

    Place pixels with people to create art

    Where is Lockmart love?

    did I switched reality during the night?

    Putin begging to be invited / offering to western pro-european Ukraine to protect them from Poland instead of the usual direct NATO/Poland threatening was not in my bingo card...

    vidéo d'interet général sur les chiens enfermés dans une voiture

    Ce qu'il se passe réellement et comment briser une vitre sans blesser le chien

    Pour les fans de RPG et de politique: "Donjons & Macron"

    La série compte 4 épisodes et est bien trop peu connue a mon gout ^^

    [spoiler final episode of WfM] the HG of the Calibarn is finally announced Invidious - search

    An alternative front-end to YouTube

    and it seems that the final form doesn't have a name. It's just the calibarn 😢 . The good news is that it's not a P-Bandai 😅

    the high quality teaser for Requiem for Vengeance is available Invidious - search

    An alternative front-end to YouTube

    the description confirm it will be a series so a TV Show or a OVA series 😍

    New Gundam project announced: Gundam Requiem for Vengeance

    The project (movie? TV Show?) will use Unreal Engine 5 for its animation

    Edit: after searching for more infos, it seems that someone present at the expo was able to interview one the writer of the project and he said that they used thunderbolt and 08th MS team as influence. The story will also be focus on Zeon side.

    Révolution!!! Landes. Un engin supersonique tiré depuis Biscarrosse, visible à plus de 400 kilomètres

    Il a été tiré à très haute altitude depuis le centre d'essais des Landes à Biscarrosse, ce lundi 26 juin dans la soirée. Il s'agit du test d'un planeur hypersonique V-Max.

    Landes. Un engin supersonique tiré depuis Biscarrosse, visible à plus de 400 kilomètres

    Donc maintenant Paris choisi comme part hasard la seule région à dire la vérité à savoir qu’il faut dire chocolatine et pas pain au chocolat pour tester ses missiles hypersoniques... Ils veulent nous faire taire. Après les gilets jaunes, il faut sortir les gilets chocolatines, car le pain au chocolat n’est pas une viennoiserie, naméoh!

    France just successfully tested the futur of it's warning strategy

    Today the DGA confirmed the success of the first french hypersonic glider. Called the V-MAX, it will help France send a more impactfull warning to countries which says "french cooking sucks" (I'm french by the way 😅 )

    putin's 3000 special balloon operation soon F-22 Raptors Demonstrate Air Superiority in CENTCOM

    U.S. Air Force F-22 Raptors deployed to U.S. Central Command's area of responsibility as part of a multifaceted show of U.S. support and capability in the wake of increasingly unsafe and

    [OPINION] Why I don't think Xenosaga is the futur of Xenoblade [include spoilers for Xenoblade 3 FR]

    For a lot of people the radio sequence, the post credit and the licence can say only one thing: earth is back in Xenosaga timeline and the futur of Xenoblade will be in Xenosaga timeline. even if it would be a perfect match story-wise, there is one thing that I never saw anywhere but break the theory and that's a IRL problem:

    Right now Nintendo get 100% of the money of the Xenoblade games because they owns the licence but if they move to Xenosaga they will have to share that money with Bandai Namco and I don't see Nintendo accepting to share incomes where doing something new with the name Xenoblade or retconing Xenoblade Chronicles X would imply they keep printing money for themself alone.

    erin erin
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