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Very impressive!
  • Thanks for the feedback!

    Inbox and profiles are under active development and should be coming down the pipeline in the next couple days. Search, image tapping, better editing, and thumbnail hiding are all planned for 1.1, our first release after launching to the App Store.

    The rest is all on the roadmap, but we haven't scoped development yet.

  • Very impressive!
  • Glad you're enjoying the app! We're always looking for ways to make it better--what would you classify as the important features we're missing?

  • Finally filled the void in my homescreen
  • This is a known issue, the fix has been developed and will be out in the next build.

  • [ Community Update ] - Regarding David's Departure 2023-06-22
  • David contributed so much in part because he was working on the project as a personal thing for a long time before any of us came along. That's what let us get such a quick jump on the Reddit migration--he'd already done the hard work of getting a working product off the ground, and gave us a foundation to build on.

    Keep in mind also that the GitHub contributions only track code that's been merged. We have a lot of great stuff in-flight or sitting in PRs right now.

    In short: we aren't worried.

  • [ Community Update ] - Regarding David's Departure 2023-06-22
  • We'll have another update out soon about how we're moving forwards, but rest assured we have absolutely no intention of adjusting the vision.

  • [ Community Update ] - Regarding David's Departure 2023-06-22
  • As a dev, I just want to express how much it warms my heart to see how kind and understanding the community's response to this news has been. You all are the best <3

  • Mlem updated itself
  • Dev here. From what he's told us and the community, Mlem got too big too fast and became more work and stress than he wanted, and so he stepped away from the project. We on the dev team support him and wish him all the best, and are working to stand up a new TestFlight beta ASAP. There'll be a community post about all this coming out later today.

  • Vote complex style: Standard vs. Symmetric?
  • "Standard" groups the upvote and the score a little closer to each other and highlights both the upvote and the score when you upvote. "Symmetric" spaces upvote, score, and downvote out evenly, and only highlights the arrow when you vote.

  • And it’s gone… Mlem is gone from TestFlight :(
  • Dev here. We're working to get a new TestFlight link up ASAP, the main blocker is Apple's review time since it technically counts as a "new app." We'll be putting out a statement to the community about all this later today.

  • [Request] Persistent Dark Mode
  • Coming in the next build :)

  • NSFW
    NSFW Test Post
  • Test comment 8?

  • Mlem and NSFW?
  • Asdfasdf

  • NSFW
    NSFW Test Post
  • Test comment 7

  • NSFW
    NSFW Test Post
  • Test comment 6

  • NSFW
    NSFW Test Post
  • Test comment 5

  • ericbandrews Eric (deprecated)

    Contributing dev to Mlem

    Posts 3
    Comments 23