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Two of the German military’s new spy satellites appear to have failed in orbit
  • Now, see - here's some ripe fodder for conspiracy theories. Look, a commercial partner launched these 'nonfunctional spy satellites' who will be definitely owned by 'Not a government!' in orbit! Look, you can point your radios at them, totally silent and non-communicative! You can stop looking at these guys, they were a bust. Guess we'll need to launch TWO MORE to make up for it......


  • Henlo.
  • glog my grog as I lob a monologue to my catalog

  • Music - Self-Host - how to start / what's your stack?
  • Well, I've maintained my music collection from the olden days, and acquire new music as I discover I like it. I mostly have trash vaporwave tastes so I actually buy most of my music cheaply on bandcamp. My music collection isn't massive like some peoples, but it's a decent amount of GB. Mostly mp3, I'm not fancy enough for FLAC.

    As for hosting the music, check out Navidrome. It's a great subsonic compatible service that can run on your OS of choice. I use Symfonium on Android to access the library. It supports playlist syncing, offline caching, etc. etc.

  • The Weekly Train departs, The Dog goes back to sleep - Eric Thake (1971) 🇦🇺
  • I'll bet that dog was the highlight of some people's weeks.

  • The Best RPG Cover of all Time
  • That was an enjoyable read!

  • Sad
  • Don't worry, I'm sure we can come up with a way to explode the sun much sooner than that.

  • What's growing on, Beehaw?
  • It's a busy spring for me! This is year two in a new home, and I've started converting larger chunks of boring grass into wildlife gardens and raised beds. So far this year I've put together:

    • New herb garden - Thyme, oregeno, borage, chamomile, sage, you name it! Already Planted!

    • A small cornfield - currently growing crimson clover and lettuce greens.

    • A small squashfield more crimson clover! And getting the eventual companion beans going!

    • A small wildlife garden - sunflowers, more clover, blue hubbard squash, and scarlet runner beans. Food for critters (and also trap crops to keep em off the human food!)

    • A second raised bed (for square foot gardening) - Currently has little gem lettuce, red fire lettuce, oak fire mustard greens, carrots, turnips and moooooore~

    • I also got a small plastic greenhouse this year, so now I have TEN MILLION tomato babies. Hooray! The peppers I'm growing are not quite ready for transplanting yet, but they'll get there.

  • Dinner prepped, in the fridge ready to cook.
  • food prep is love, food prep is life

  • we live in an explosion
  • I mean, it's the space-time continuum, it's connected! As the documentary Stargate SG-1 shows, we're well acquainted with spatial and chronological drift over interstellar distances.

  • self-defence deez nuts
  • The Botany of Desire is a fantastic book and also documentary that discusses, in some part, plants being desirable to humans as a selective force. Plant species that humans value have a higher likelihood of surviving because we use them for agriculture, ensuring their ongoing existence. Everything from tea to teonanácatl!

  • ah, conservation
  • Unfortunately so. They are an Eastern US species that has been moving ever westward. And they are, in bird law terms, 'huge dicks'. They've been systematically kicking Spotted Owls out of their traditional roosting spots for about a decade now. Spotted Owls are pushovers, so they've been losing breeding ground. And barred owls are not just dicks to other birds, they don't like humans much either.

  • Battle Grouse
  • It's off the top of the dome! And clearly a dorf thought smacked me part way through.....

  • Battle Grouse
  • A tiny sculpture of a solitary grouse in a field. The grouse menaces with spikes. The overall composition is realistic. This work represents terror. This representation relates to a Greater-Sage Grouse attacking the colony on 6th of Decembary, 5210.

  • The Last Drop (The Gay Cavalier) - Judith Leyster (1639)
  • Just your normal tavern drinking challenge offered by a reanimated skeleton proprietor! Quaff a flask of 'Bone Dry Rum' in under one turn of the timepiece without throwing up and you'll drink free for a year!

  • Inventorying high value items with receipts
  • Don't sleep on the video walk through, it can be truly invaluable.

  • Inventorying high value items with receipts
  • To be honest, would a spreadsheet not be a good use for this? There are FOSS asset trackers, but a simple .ods with a pictures column might serve you well. Are there additional features/conveniences you are looking for?

  • Marceline loves her alpaca fur guinea pig
  • That's the neat part: you don't!

  • New greenhouse!
  • Okra sounds fun! I'm trying out corn, cucumbers, and ground cherries for the first time this year.

  • New greenhouse!

    Spring is approaching! I've just set up a level 1 greenhouse (plastic tier, I'll have to grind to upgrade to glass and metal....). Regardless, it's exciting! My seedlings are doing well, I can't wait for better weather! !

    What are you going to grow this year, Beehaw?

    Get low!

    cross-posted from:

    > To the Window! To the Wall!

    A Gorgeous Sunflower!

    This is a beautiful Lemon Queen sunflower in my backyard. I've planted a whole row, but this one shot up and got an early start, the rest barely have their heads grown.

    I'm growing these as part of The Great Sunflower Project, a citizen science effort to track pollinators in the United States. These were chosen for their wide appeal to pollinators, and true to form, there is always at least one sort of insect buddy visiting at any given moment!

    emuspawn David From Space

    I'm David. I live in Tacoma, Washington. I do square foot gardening, home automation with Home Assistant, and have too many cats.

    You think you saw me behind some ferns? You just might have!

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