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Need some local coop recommendations
  • I think they had to drop split screen from the Series S, at least for now.

  • Gizmo would like a bite, too, please
  • I think you should give Gizmo a bite.

  • Gizmo would like a bite, too, please
  • Well it is now and I want more pictures

  • 100gr spanish ham in Andalusia
  • I wouldn't compare the two. I don't think they're for the same purpose.

  • Encountered my first power outage mid-print...
  • Get a cheap APC battery backup, for a little over $100 you can get a 1000VA backup that'll keep your printer running for a few hours through an outage.

  • North Korea says Travis King wants refuge from racism, mistreatment in US
  • "man the army sucks, better run to the place with concentration camps"

    The fuck?

  • Not using both of his brain cells when going up or down the stairs
  • That's his dedicated staircase and you're just jealous you're not allowed to use it.

  • rip game storage harddrive
  • If you're assuming it's trashed anyway may as well try to fix it.

  • This is his very serious biscuit making face
  • He takes his job very seriously.

  • Whenever my kitten tries to rub my hand with the side of his mouth, he instead digs his snout into my hand.
  • My girl rubs her nose on my hand and she's pushing 3. It's adorable.

  • Trying to find a modern alternative to my emacs workflow
  • You might check out vim or neovim. It ticks all the boxes but the "native gui" which just becomes your terminal window.

  • Exclusive: A veteran FBI agent told Congress that investigations into Giuliani and other Trump allies were 'suppressed'
  • He said his boss ordered him to stop investigating Giuliani and the Trump White House.

    Someone is covering their ass in case Trump is reelected and that person needs to be named. Now.

  • Baldur's Gate 3 Review Thread
  • I'm absolutely loving it. I love that I can pace the game myself thanks to the turn based design, that my actions have consequences, that it's a proper role playing game.

    I'm about 30 hours in and it's fantastic.

  • Hopes Dashed As LK-99 Confirmed Not To Be A Room-Temperature Superconductor
  • That sounds like there's maybe variables not taken into consideration.

    Tbh that's the hopium speaking but I've taken a big dose of it.

  • Sometimes I bring mine when traveling.
  • Are you using fabric softener? That makes your towel less absorbent. If you're using detergent with built in softener it'll do the same.

    Wash your towels with a cup of vinegar to remove the softener.

  • Trump’s Plan to Save Himself: Scapegoat His Coup Lawyers - Analysis
  • Well.. me, I guess. I've made about a hundred thousand, here or there, but I'll admit I'm an outlier most likely.

  • [News] Wisconsin lawsuit asks new liberal-controlled Supreme Court to toss Republican-drawn maps
  • At that point the courts are wrong. The check the that court has on the legislature has is to say something isn't Constitutional, but that's supposed to be a death knell. If it's just ignored, if the Court is just ignored, then there's really nothing they can do. I'm talking about SCOTUS, and Ohio largely modeled their system of the (at the time) emerging federal one. Ohio citizens are apparently ok with what their legislature is doing.

  • Error: Forbidden - RiF not working
  • I'm hoping talklittle (rif dev) either switches gears and does rif for lemmy or maybe releases the source code so the community can do so. I'd happily help them port it.

  • Trump’s Plan to Save Himself: Scapegoat His Coup Lawyers - Analysis
  • It's like gambling on a stock. You can buy in on the way up and as long as you bail at the right time you can come out on top. Stay just a little too long, though, and you'll come away worse than you started.

  • /kbin meta elscallr
    Given a direct URL to a `thing` in the fediverse, is there a way to plug that URL into kbin and open it through my kbin lens?

    Suppose I was sent a link to this video explaining the fediverse. Is there a way to open that in kbin's pwa so I'm logged in and can interact with it? If not, what would be the right URL format to view it "via kbin"?

    elscallr elscallr
    Posts 2
    Comments 205