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FOSS alternative to Notion?
  • @Fitik
    Then both mentioned options could work. They are different in the balance between simplicity (#dokuwiki is easier) and power (#org-mode has #emacs behind).
    Both have huge ecosystems, great documentation, vibrant communities and are rock solid. Dokuwiki is accessible on a website (in the net or in your machine) and org-mode mostly on your machine but it is super easy to replicate or export for use in many devices.
    I"ll happily expand if you choose any of those, :)

  • FOSS alternative to Notion?
  • @Fitik
    2 possible paths forward:

    + Dokuwiki with some plugins for templates and lists and tables. On a web server.

    + Org-mode and Org-roam (a looot more than Notion). Local.

    Maybe TidlyWiki, but I don't know it personally.

    How much do you need real-time collaboration?

  • edumerco Eduardo Mercovich (él)

    Born in Buenos Aires, 1968. Studied Biology. Work in research and design, learning and teaching of complex socio-technological systems. Trying to regenerate and develop a more fair world for everyone. :)

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