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Like surely you must have acquired a clue by now.
  • You mean red-pill content, right?

  • [META] New is looking for moderators
  • Does this community still need moderators?

  • Works on my machine
  • Ah-ah! Now that’s progress!

  • Google Chrome will limit ad blockers starting June 2024
  • Depends on the browser. Some chromium-based browsers won’t be affected and some will.

    Just go to the browser’s help page to find out.

  • *Permanently Deleted*
  • When buying the game actually meant something.

  • Oh boy
  • what

  • One of Reddit’s biggest communities is suggesting users move to Discord
  • They cannot be crawled by search engines, unfortunately. Information online is going scarse.

  • Please help the itching is unbearable
  • I can feed those dragonflies and bats myself, so no need for those mosquitoes. I say bring out the nuclear option

  • Benvenuti su c/cammini!

    Benvenuti tutti su c/cammini! La community per le camminate, il trekking ed i consigli su di essi!

    Il regolamento è il seguente:

    1. Rispetto e cordialità sempre
    2. Niente pubblicità
    3. Niente spam
    4. Evitare di andare fuori tema

    La wiki della community:

    La to-do list della community:

    Se avete domande o volete parlare della community con noi, i moderatori, per favore rispondete a questo post, oppure mandateci dei dm.

    It just sounds taller, ya know?
  • It sounds taller, but if you think about it a bit it for a minute it isn’t taller anymore…

  • WEB 4.69
  • Yeah but then no nitro no money no servers for chatting no discord discord ded :/

  • WEB 4.69
  • This was because Skype’s file transfer was Peer-to-peer, so it wasn’t Skype itself hosting the files. While discord is actually hosting the files, which is much more costly.

  • Federazione con Threads
  • Secondo me, dovremmo aspettare che Meta si federi, e dopo vedere cosa fare/se dobbiamo prendere provvedimenti contro Meta.

  • Per eliminare un account Threads, dovrai cancellare anche il tuo account Instagram.
  • Esatto. Non esiste “l’account” di Threads. C’è il profilo di Threads, il profilo di Instagram, e l’account di Instagram.

  • Why is it so lonely in the fediverse
  • Its that many people are convinced that Meta will EEE (Embrace, Extend, Extinguish). However we can’t just all defederate Meta from the Fediverse. We have to embrace them the same way they are embracing us. If they decide to try to kill us off, we will resist and stay united.

  • eatyourglory eatyourglory

    u/RickyFalanga su Reddit. Moderatore di delle subreddit prima della migrazione a Lemmy.

    Posts 4
    Comments 16