Murena Kickstarter pulls in more than $150K for new phone with a built-in privacy switch 7 0
why the fuck has it always to be an iPhone clone... it's embarrassing.
[DE] Nein, Zuwanderung/Flucht ist nicht das wichtigste Problem. Die Diskursverschiebung nach rechts, die solche Ergebnisse produziert, ist eher das Problem. 2 0
Ein komentar wie ein Poem aus dem Buch der Ironie.
What are your thoughts on the state of native Linux games? 7 0
I don't think native Linux games are necessary anymore. It's the antycheat stuff that is the hurdle for now... not technical of course... it's political.
Does it feel like the fediverse is exclusively used by older tech nerds? 7 0
Most people are older than 30.
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