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Apache Tomcat Vulnerability Actively Exploited Just 30 Hours After Public Disclosure
  • I wonder if that has anything to do with the Tomcat test pages that have been showing up on my honeypot.

  • Nearly half of U.S. adults believe LLMs are smarter than they are.
  • I've met Americans. I believe it, too.

  • Is Tuta a good alternative to gmail?
  • Yeah, I know! Don't say that too loud, though. Proton and Tuta are the precious baby boys who can do no wrong in most "privacy" communities.

  • Is Tuta a good alternative to gmail?
  • no paid ads for third party products

    Haha you almost fucking got me, I actually wrote a whole thing about how those are ads but then I read your comment again and noticed that clever little write-off. Ads for their own products are still ads and I don't want to fucking see it. Get that shit off my eyeballs, I paid for this product.

    The newsletter is an ad, it's not news. They're just advertising their products to you and you can't unsubscribe and you can't ignore it because they very deliberately have a special styling for the newsletters that makes it stand out from normal emails.

    I don't know why you want to defend this company. I'm glad you're okay with the level of shitty behavior they engage in; it's definitely less than most email providers do- I'm just letting people know that Tuta aren't angels. They're a company, and they used to be better. Proton was exactly the same. It was a good service and then it became shitty.

    I would love to log back in and show you the 3 separate buttons on my UI that did nothing except link to a "Please pay us for this feature" page because I was a legacy premium user because I didn't want all those new bullshit they made. I stress that it's not a case of them implementing a button in the UI for all users and because I'm a legacy user I get it too even if I can't use it- the buttons had special CSS to make them stand out. They were ads. Why couldn't Tuta just leave me alone? I could still be paying them to this day if they had just not gone down that path. I just want an email that is an email and nothing more and doesn't get in my way. Tuta had that, and then they took it away and asked for more money to put it back.

    I think the misunderstanding here is that I was a legacy premium user. I was paying less to get only the email+calendar because that's what I signed up for, originally. When people sign up today, that's not an option. People who are new to Tuta (relatively) haven't seen this change happen and haven't witnessed how obviously desperate Tuta was to get people off the legacy premium plan.

    Also my name is drkt_ but I'm sure you tried your best.

  • Is Tuta a good alternative to gmail?
  • In comparison to Gmail? Yes, but that's a very low bar to clear. You need to be aware that Tuta are currently enshittifying. The product is getting worse and the price increases. It's slow, but it's happening. I switched to after 2 years of Tuta because I got fed up with it.

    It is in my Scrolls of Grudge, and I quote:

    Ads in web UI for paying user.
    Made it hard to cancel payment.
    Newsletter is just upselling.
    Can't unsub from newsletter.

  • Looking for a good source for very small artists
  • From what I can read, it's not a function of Soulseek. That's a function of Nicotine+ and all it does is automatically query Soulseek every few minutes and maybe download automatically if it finds something.

    I don't use Nicotine so I don't know. It's almost certainly not a feature of Soulseek tho

  • Looking for a good source for very small artists
  • Any. Is that a function of soulseek? I've never heard of it

  • Jupiter og mĂ„ner
  • Jeg skal ikke kunne sige om det er Starlink, men det er i hvert fald en satellit!

  • Jupiter og mĂ„ner
  • Hvad er det for et teleskop? Er det noget, man kan kĂžbe sig til, eller er det i en anden liga?

    Det er et fuldstĂŠndig generisk teleskop;
    Jeg har en adapter jeg kan smide pÄ mit kamera sÄ den passer pÄ teleskoper fordi jeg fandt et teleskop i en skraldespand og tÊnkte at de kunne vÊre sjov lÊnse at have;

  • Jupiter og mĂ„ner
  • SĂ„dan kan man godt se pĂ„ det

  • Looking for a good source for very small artists
  • Unrelated but how do you wishlist something on slsk?

  • Jupiter og mĂ„ner
  • Pointen med at tage sĂ„ mange billeder er prĂŠcis at billederne ikke behĂžver at passe sammen, sĂ„ lĂŠnge at subjektet er i billedet.

    Du kan se alle billederne sammen efter stacking processen her her

    e: Stacking kan ogsÄ, og bliver ogsÄ, brugt til af fremhÊve billeder der er taget pÄ et mount der kan tracke stjerner, men i det tilfÊlde er det faktisk ikke nÞdvendigt. Jeg har selv lavet en 11-minutter exposure med at tracking setup uden stacking


  • Fotografier og Billeder drkt
    Jupiter og mÄner

    I en process hvor jeg vil lĂŠre ‘stacking’ har jeg lĂ„nt en vens teleskop og tog omkring 500 billeder af Jupiter. Dette var resultatet. Jeg syntes ikke at det er sĂ„ flot som det kunne vĂŠre, men nu har jeg lĂŠrt processen og ved at jeg skal bruge meget mere tid pĂ„ at fokusere teleskopet ordentligt nĂŠste gang.

    drkt_ drkt

    This is an alt account, you may see it around. I am not ban-dodging intentionally, I promise!

    This is the main

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