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[image] Happy Friday!
  • Yeah that can be rough. I’ve been to some small town ones with less than a dozen people. You just gotta keep at it though; be that body and positive influence

  • [image] Happy Friday!
  • lol. I know nothing. 😂 Part of the local US law here is, because it not an “organized” event and just seems to happen, it is not subject to extra scrutiny or something. But again have no real idea

  • [image] Happy Friday!
  • You’d be surprised how many small cities have a CM or similar. If there isn’t one yet, start one! Organize and get active

  • [image] Happy Friday!
  • Nice! This was Chicago

  • Can Biden be replaced as Democrat nominee? Who could replace him?
  • I think it’s Bernie’s competency that’s appealing. Sure he’s older, but he’s in touch with reality and has never stopped fighting for tangible as well as progressive ideals.

  • MAGA panics before Donald Trump's first debate with Biden
  • Come See Capitalism’s Latest Stage Yet!

  • MAGA panics before Donald Trump's first debate with Biden
  • They need to give both as many and as much drugs as they want. If drugs will somehow make them coherent, make it a requirement. I honestly don’t see a downside. They can even advertise for the drugs and everyone still wins

  • New Study: At Least 15% of All Reddit Content is Corporate Trolls Trying to Manipulate Public Opinion
  • Portillos bots would camp on the Chicagofood sub and Stan about adding cheese sauce to everything and to make sure to save room for the chocolate cake. Nobody irl from the area would hype anything from that chain

  • It's like the Bacon game, but funnier
  • Khaaaaannnnnn! You piece of shit

  • me_irl
  • The first can doesn’t count

  • Just a reminder
  • Wouldn’t this post being controversial suggest that it’s a flat “No”?

  • Tommy Tuberville Tries to Argue Putin Has No Interest in Ukraine
  • Evil is a prerequisite for the GOP. Him being a moron is an added bonus

  • Ah the memories
  • The democrats did this themselves too. How delusional do you have to be to go all in with HRC. Bernie would have won and that scared the Neolibs and the DNC too much

  • Ah the memories
  • Honestly, I thought trump running for president was the funniest thing ever. There was no way the idiot would win and at least the political season would have a clown to laugh at. I could not have been so wrong by Nov. I mean he made his announcement for candidacy descending a golden fucking escalator. From there he never stopped being a beyond parody asshole born from corporate America…and to this day I cannot really grasp how he became that popular. Although, I have strong feelings that much of it is born out of reaction to Obama’s presidency

  • Ah the memories
  • Was she right to convince trump to run?

  • Happy Friday!! [oc] [image]

    Was a beautiful night to mass up!

    [Book] Blood Meridian

    Still my favorite book of all time. Plenty of mystical and crazy in the 1850s southwest.

    >Blood Meridian; or, The Evening Redness in the West is a 1985 epic historical novel by American author Cormac McCarthy, classified under the Western, or sometimes the anti-Western, genre.[1][2] McCarthy's fifth book, it was published by Random House.

    >Set in the American frontier with a loose historical context, the narrative follows a fictional teenager from Tennessee referred to as "the kid", with the bulk of the text devoted to his experiences with the Glanton gang, a historical group of scalp hunters who massacred American Indians and others in the United States–Mexico borderlands from 1849 to 1850 for bounty, sadistic pleasure, and eventually out of nihilistic habit. The role of antagonist is gradually filled by Judge Holden, a physically massive, highly educated, preternaturally skilled member of the gang with pale and hairless skin who takes extreme sadistic pleasure in the destruction and domination of whatever he encounters, including children and docile animals.

    >Although the novel initially received lukewarm critical and commercial reception, it has since become highly acclaimed and is widely recognized as McCarthy's magnum opus and one of the greatest American novels of all time.[3] Some have labelled it the Great American Novel.[4] After multiple unsuccessful attempts to adapt the novel into a film, New Regency is currently set to produce a feature film based on the novel.
