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So Google is now preventing people from removing location data from photos taken with Pixel phones.
  • @ajsadauskas @alan @technology @pluralistic You're talking about Photos, not the camera app. You can disable location data collection in the camera app:

    Cameras write location data to the image itself as metadata. If they're using a content addressable storage system, they can't update this data without changing the underlying image itself. Seems like edits in Photos are stored separate from the image itself. Editing image metadata may require architectural changes.

  • dotproto Simeon.__proto__

    Hi, I'm Simeon 👋🏻😄.

    I work on browser extensions and co-chair of W3C WebExtensions Community Group (WECG). I ❤️ JS, keyboards, vidja games, helping people, & the open web. Opinions are my own. He/him. (Enable tootfinder)

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