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  • You need to select the tracks which you want to export first. They then get rendered as .wav to a folder on the SD card. You can access either via usb or insert the SD into your computer. It's pretty straight forward.

    I really really love the workflow of live mixing / bouncing the tracks on the Tascam and then only export the main tracks that I later want to eq for example. Do you get the idea? Not sure if I made it clear..

  • Show me your music!
  • cheers! will do.

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  • before I was on Reaper but recently switched to Ardour and LSP plugins (on Linux). this is my first release:

  • Ardour vs. Reaper

    This is addressed to somewhat experienced users who worked with both softwares:

    What made you choose one over the other on the long run?

    I have been with Reaper for quite some time but considering mixing and mastering my next project in Ardour. Not sure if it's worth putting in the time to learn it from the ground up.

    Please don't make this about free vs. paid software.

    Thank you!

    dontoverthinklife dontoverthinklife

    ambient music, photography, film

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