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What show are you re-watching?
  • Cas Anvar, one of the main cast. Between the filming and release of the 5th season a massive wave of sexual harassment and assault allegations came out about him. He was dropped from the show for the final season in response to an investigation of the claims.

  • What show are you re-watching?
  • Going through The Expanse again. Such a good show that unfortunately got soured towards the end by a bad egg in the cast. But I'm enjoying it regardless, the work everyone else put into that show deserves praise. They found such a good balance point on the hard vs. soft sci-fi spectrum. Just enough realism and scientific accuracy to make the setting feel authentic without getting in the way of the story.

    And Dominique Tipper as Naomi effortlessly code switching as she interacts with Inners and Belters is astounding. Not just her, all the Belter actors do such a great job with their dialects, but because of her screen time and back story it's a lot more varied for her.

  • What show are you re-watching?
  • I love both, but I actually prefer Atlantis's ongoing series arc over the more episodic/season arc structure of SG-1.

    Possibly unpopular opinion (?): Universe was a fantastic show that got cancelled right as it was getting really good. Stargate's answer to Voyager and Battlestar Galactica. Really wish we could have gotten more of it. With the way they left things, it's not too late to revive it if they can get actors on board. They can easily explain cast aging or not returning with the final cliffhanger.

  • This is how big one tonne of CO2 is
  • At standard temperature and pressure (STP) it looks like CO2 has a density of 1.96 kg/m^3. 1 tonne = 1000 kg, so a tonne of CO2 has a volume of (1000 kg)/(1.96 kg/m^3) = 510 m^3 at STP. A cube of that volume would have side length (510 m3)(1/3) = 7.99 m, so roughly 8 meters per side.

    I don't know how tall that person is, but if we assume around 1.6 m (5' 3") then the cube side length should be about 5 of her. Seems pretty accurate to me.

  • TIL that black panthers aren’t a distinct species - they are jaguars or leopards with “melanism”, the opposite of albinism
  • Genera are within families, not the other way around. Maybe read a book?

    Also: the genus Panthera consists of 5 big cats. The other two big cats that aren't in Panthera are the cougar, which is also colloquially called a panther, and the cheetah.

    So, in fact, "panther" can refer to any big cat other than cheetahs.

  • How do you make Turkish coffee?
  • +1 for moka pots, that's what I make my usual morning coffee in. It's really consistent. Though I don't do the cold water thing, I let it boil through and remove from heat for a few seconds when the gurgling has slowed before pouring. I don't really struggle with grinding my own coffee,

    It's up to personal preference. The cold water will stop the boiling early, leaving you with just the stronger stuff that comes out first, so more like espresso. Letting it boil through will have weaker coffee coming out towards the end and the final product is a little more like an americano. Supposedly that's where the bitterness comes from too, so maybe I just don't mind the bitterness.

    If you want to get fun with a moka pot, and especially if you like sugar but no cream, a Cuban espresso is really good. Essentially you wait for it to just start boiling over and pour out whatever comes out in the first couple seconds. You want the thick, strong stuff. Then return the moka pot to heat for the rest of it to boil and whip sugar with a spoon into the strong coffee you separated. You'll get a sugar coffee foam that smells like coffee ice cream, then pour the rest of the moka pot over it. Yum.

  • Good luck!
  • Especially when Equifax leaked nearly half of all Americans' names, social security numbers, addresses, birthdays, and driver license number in 2017. That info is just out there and we can never remove it.

  • Gotta show up
  • Have you been on the Internet in the last 8 years? It's been the same thing since 2016, without stopping. Online Democrats can't ever let anyone criticize the party, or take any blame for their own past failures. Especially the one that gave us Trump in the first place.

    For the after the election smirk, I'd refer you back to the comment you first responded to. Not to mention, Democrats were similarly arrogant and entitled in 2016. The Democrats treat this like a race to the bottom and run the most centrist candidates they think they can get away with. And if they ever lose, they just scream at the left for not supporting them enough.

  • Gotta show up
  • I get where you're coming from, but I disagree vehemently. Your comment invokes the same logic that has always been used to suppress the voice of the left. The US is never not in election mode, and people like you will, with all good intentions, always claim it's "not the right time."

    I find it rather absurd to say that during an election is an inappropriate time to criticize a politician. If a politician is so weak and uninspiring that mere criticism of them from the electorate could cost them the election, they're a bad candidate and shouldn't be running. That sort of political ego is what got us Trump in the first place.

  • Gotta show up
  • It's depressing how many people are downvoting this. We can't even express frustration at the lack of representation in our government without centrists trying to shove us under the rug.

  • Biden uses feisty State of the Union to contrast with Trump, sell voters on a second term
  • The difference is that it's the same "you have to make the safe choice now and you'll get to make things better later" every single cycle. Many of us see it all as a facade that will never end, and watch the Democratic Party actively work against our interests in the meantime.

    But we can't ever dare express discontent online without vitriol from people who can't seem to handle the fact that others might not be convinced by "I'm not a Republican" anymore.

  • Biden uses feisty State of the Union to contrast with Trump, sell voters on a second term
  • The options are either personally fix our entire country or shut up and follow orders? This unwillingness to accept criticism of the Democratic Party is exactly why people like me feel unrepresented by it. We see a party working against our interests and a fan base frothing at the mouth anytime anyone dares speak against them.

    Have you ever complained about the Republicans? If so, why don't you stop complaining about it and personally fix the country?

  • Biden uses feisty State of the Union to contrast with Trump, sell voters on a second term
  • Wow, all two of them? Get a higher bar. I'm not even young.

    All three Democratic presidents I've been alive for have been pretty bad too. Turns out I'm not represented very well in our plutocracy, and it's pretty tiring to hear the endless defense of the wealthy elite that actively work against all of us.

  • Simulation Theory
  • Planck scale units aren't known or typically assumed to be minimum units. They're just the units that come out of combining some fundamental constants and are thought to represent a scale where the effects of quantum gravity have too much effect to be ignored. They just represent a theoretical limit to the validity of our current models.

    Human knowledge will continue to push these boundaries as long as humans still exist, but it's arrogant to think our current human limitation is a universal limitation.

  • Think about it
  • You can call it whatever you want, as long as it equals 1/2 it's the same number.

    So yes, multiplying by 2/2 to make it more intuitively obvious is perfectly valid and a good way to think about it. Most arithmetic tricks are ultimately multiplying by 1 or adding 0 just to make the problem easier to handle.

  • InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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