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What is the biggest lesson that employment has taught you?
  • Coworkers is not my friend. Someone being so sad when i left and got a better job lol.

  • Why are trending posts on Mastodon mostly negatively politically oriented?
  • I follow digital art hashtag and now my feed full of art and furry art. But it's better than looking at US politics posts that i never understand.

  • Do they also know C++ or Python?
  • So people are monolingual?

  • *Permanently Deleted*
  • I'm using Megalodon for Mastodon. I still can't decide what to use for Lemmy.

  • What "mindless" games do you play?
  • Lato, endless snowboard downhill game

  • Running DOOM In A Keycap Takes Careful Work
  • I was imagine to put Doom logo on my keyboard. But that is the whole game lol i take it.

  • When sleeping, door open or closed?
  • Closed, i don't like mosquitoes.

  • What Android keyboard do you use?
  • I use OpenBoard works fine for me. I tried FlorisBoard while ago, but my phone got heat up idk why.

  • Unpopular opinion : Bing is a better search engine than Google when it comes to piracy
  • I use Startpage, it gave me the same result as Bing.

  • I see lots of talk about Memmy, but what are some Android compatible apps for Lemmy?
  • Connect for Lemmy and Thunder are my favorites.

  • Best DNS for privacy?
  • I use DNS from Applied Privacy i don't know if it good or not and Intra app for android.

  • dobeltip dobeltip
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    Comments 14