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What is the current "best value" GPU
  • Right you are, dont know where I got 12gb from, been a long week

  • What is the current "best value" GPU
  • I've been eyeing the rx 7600 from Sapphire, but it struggles with 1440p as well due to low amount of vram.

    The newly announced rx 7600 xt seems to be the sweet spot for 1440p to me, since it has 12gb of vram, and slightly higher clocks, but I'll wait till the reviews and benchmarks are out.

    Edit: a secondhand 3060 ti or 3070 could probably also be seen as the value king, but it depends on the state of your regional secondhand market

  • Radarr: Path: Folder '/data/' is not writable by user 'abc'
  • On my OpenSuse server I had to add :Z after /data in the bind, dont know if it applies to your setup, but it is easy to test and see if it works

  • Jellyfin stuttering
  • Are you running with subtitles? I had the same issue and it disappeared when I turned off subtitles

  • PSA: autosave is OFF by default
  • Too late, learned the hard way; lost my first 6 hours after a crash. Probably also the first game that I can think of in this genre that comes with autosave disabled as default. The game is nice, but sometimes feels a bit like a full price early access title.

  • Let's School - Official Launch Trailer
  • Looks like great fun! Will definitely give this a whirl soon. Seems to be a bit of a departure for Pathia though, could be interesting

  • What is mqtt support in ejabbered for?
  • MQTT is just a messaging protocol, it's mostly used for iot purposes like you mention, but can in theory be used for any kind of project.

    Never used ejabberd, but one of their selling points are multiprotocol support, so it's not so weird to support a multipurpose standardized messaging protocol.

  • Supercomputer Will Help Decide whether to Block the Sun
  • Literally how SnowPiercer started, and I am all for it, train based survival here we go!

  • To fellow penguins, What is your distro?
  • Currently Endeavour OS, but I mainly daily drive Fedora, because its the right mix between bleeding edge and stable (stableedge?) for me.

  • Just got GMMK Pro 75% board and GMMK numpad - help with issues, potentially wanting alternatives
  • I got the Keychron k2 pro with the red switches, about about a month ago, and it's been a thoroughly enjoyable experience so far. Not a single issue, just pure writing bliss. Should check most of boxes you mentioned, including the customizability through qmk/via.

  • Is anyone here using a GUI for git? If yes - which one and why?
  • Lazygit changed how I use git, it is so easy to do all the daily essentials like branching, committing, and merging, but also also does more advanced things like interactive rebasing when needed.

    I had searched for a proper git client, that was free and open source plus worked on both Linux and Windows, for a long time and I haven't looked back after finding lazygit.

  • What distro(s) do you use?
  • I use a mix of Fedora and endeavour, love fedora to bits, but I had some issues that were solved by using endeavour

  • djoot Djoot
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