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How to start?

As total newcomer, what would you suggest as first steps with Tor? No mission critical application.

Alt Media diorama - curated content by submedia, antimidia and others Presenting Kolektiva

Welcome to Kolektiva, an open-source platform for hosting anarchist videos from around the world. Our goal with Kolektiva is to help increase communication and material solidarity across borders and linguistic divides. If you are interested in getting involved - whether through hosting your conten...

Presenting Kolektiva
the art of (surviving) browsing diorama
shared bookmarks on several devices

Hi all! I am looking for a low-efforts zero-surveillance system to share bookmarks among several devices. For the moment being: a laptop and a mobile. Suggestions about F-Droid apps are welcome, but not necessary!

Funny: no such file or directory diorama
Vim³ - Vim on a cube GitHub - oakes/vim_cubed: Vim rendered on a cube for no reason

Vim rendered on a cube for no reason. Contribute to oakes/vim_cubed development by creating an account on GitHub.

GitHub - oakes/vim_cubed: Vim rendered on a cube for no reason

To whom it may need it

Discussion about Germany (any language welcome) diorama
German-language pocast

Hallo zusammen! I think I decided to try again with the German language. I am a very loosy tired learner but I am fine listening to podcasts.

May you please suggest anything interesting for yourselves (or very general, prototype non-existing newcomers)?

Discussion about Germany (any language welcome) diorama
Corona bei Tönnies: 1331 Infizierte - vorerst kein Lockdown Aktuelle Nachrichten aus Deutschland

Überblick zu Hintergründen, Analysen und Interviews bei - die erste Adresse für Nachrichten und umfassende Berichte zu aktuellen Themen.

Aktuelle Nachrichten aus Deutschland
Discussion about Germany (any language welcome) diorama
Verfassungsblog - What is this?

Dear folx, I found this blog in AI-translated SEO-translation websites for Italian right-wing blogs. Translations were Italian and Greek.

Would you mind to give any comment/feeling? I am not so much into German politics.

Puzzles diorama
Index of Bongard Problems

pieces of meta-rationality

Discussion about Germany (any language welcome) diorama
Have you ever been to Bielefeld?
Lingua italiana e affini diorama
Chiaro e tondo. Sugli arresti di Bologna - Macerie
Lingua italiana e affini diorama
Alcune riflessioni, urgenti e necessarie, riguardo la solidarietà, la condotta e i processi - Round Robin
Discussion about Germany (any language welcome) diorama
international sim card in Germany? (w/ data)

A telco shop asked me 80 euro/monthly for a mobile flat rate (mobile included). I asked only for the sim card but the price is the same.

My monthly data consumption is in the between of 50-100 GB and my landlady is not going to renew the house flat contract.

Any suggestion?

Lingua italiana e affini diorama
Odio online, aiutaci a contrastarlo da casa - Amnesty International Italia
Lingua italiana e affini diorama
Nel 2020 e oltre, la battaglia per salvare la persona e la democrazia richiede una radicale revisione della tecnologia convenzionale - di Aral Balkan

Original article: My translation/Mia traduzione

Italia diorama
Comunità consigliate su questa istanza - Suggested communities on this instance

Qui comunità in lingua italiana e affini (sardo, grieco, napoletano, ecc.): Here community about Italy for non-Italian speakers:

La comunità /c/italia è espressamente considerata come segnaposto. The /c/italia community is expressly considered as a placeholder.

See also this post for further information.

Lingua italiana e affini diorama
Diamo una mano a tradurre Lemmy in italiano

:hugging face:

Lingua italiana e affini diorama
Autobiografia di Primo Moroni
Lingua italiana e affini diorama
16 maggio 1944 - Anniversario della rivolta dei popoli Romaní ad Auschwitz-Birkenau Thread by @ValerioMinnella: Oggi è il #16maggio, anniversario della grande rivolta del 1944, contro le criminali SS, da parte di Rom, Sinti e altri popoli Romani rinchi…

Thread by @ValerioMinnella: Oggi è il #16maggio, anniversario della grande rivolta del 1944, contro le criminali SS, da parte di Rom, Sinti eRomani rinchiusi, nel campo di concentramento di Auschwitz-Birkenau. Le SS in armi si presentano ai cancelli dell…

Qui invece trovate il museo virtuale del Porrajmos in Italia:

#Porrajmos #Samudaripen #Auschwitz #Birkenau

Publishing diorama
Free software publishing tools

Hey folkx! me and otherx run a lo-fi zine. We used proprietary software till now and we have faced some request about epub/mobi format.

We may consider Scribus but it runs via Qt and its future is not clear to my eyes. Any suggestion? Even more than one tool is fine.

Labor Wave diorama
a laborwave tutorial is much appreciated :smiling face with heart-eyes:

As in the subject.