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The thing about Twitter is that it really lacks a lot of the features you'd expect from a true Mastodon replacement.
  • @ajsadauskas This so funny and it hits the nail on the head. I notice there is copy-paste plagiarism going on here whoever actually did first write this, possibly someone in this thread, should do a substack or Medium and I will be first in line to sign up.

  • didgeridoo Night Owl ✌️

    \#musician #writer into world music. More into #percussion and #strings but love Came to for the diligent #moderation and stayed for the 1500 character freedom of expression. I like the thinking behind the server rules her They practice what they preach because I have reported here twice, once from a different account, and their response was quite appropriate. \#Didgeridoo as many names. More on that, and cultural appropriation, later. \#introduction #climatechange #covid shit's real!

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