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"Travel" by TheSquareComic
  • I was in the US Navy and you would be surprised at how many people will say things like that and eat at chili's or whatever else when there is something perfectly good and new (to you) to try. Just never understood why some of the people I served with insulated themselves from seeing and experiencing new things.

  • What popular product do you think is modern day snakeoil?
  • I do think we may be over-prescribing these to a certain degree, but I know people whose lives are impacted for the better due to medication for ADHD, for example. Its easy to understand when you see someone with severe symptoms one day, then calmer and more focused the next.

  • Depending on how you count
  • I mean there are restaurants and a hotel, though.

  • Starfield’s Paid Mods Ignite A Review Bombing On Steam
  • You seem alright and I agree that gamebryo is typically crash heavy. I really didn't mean it as an attack on you personally and apologize for conflating your opinion with someone else's.

    I do feel very strongly that whatever engine they use should support user generated mods, but let's be real, I probably won't have the time to spend on it anyway.

  • Starfield’s Paid Mods Ignite A Review Bombing On Steam
  • I very much agree with what you are saying. If the engine changes we will lose mods, or at the very least there will be significantly fewer. I don't make a habit of playing many games from 2012... except for Skyrim. I also dont play many games from 2001, except for Morrowind. I will spend hours or even days setting up a modding environment. Please let me have that for future Bethesda titles.

    Also people calling us folks that like user-made mods shills, when they are trying to force a shift to the very much corporate owned Unreal Engine is funny.

  • Anyone know when the Sabotage series is going to start airing?
  • I can't stand it when a perfectly fine joke gets downvoted. Did you plan on downvotes? Did you you just sabotage your own comment?

  • The "one bad apple" claims always ignore the many many many bad apples that exist
  • Wholeheartedly agree!

    I have had some time to think about it, and I should have included the word systemic instead of serious. I still stand by my overall point with regard to what the idiom actually means. I don't believe that its a good thing to misrepresent something just to prove a point.

  • The "one bad apple" claims always ignore the many many many bad apples that exist
  • I kind of think this is also a bit misleading. Isn't the point of the phrase that you should remove the bad apple lest it affect the rest. As in, "If you leave the bad apple in the barrel it will spoil the bunch. So remove it before it does." I don't quite think that its really being misappropriated.

    From your link a translated original proverb:

    “Well better is a rotten apple out of the store

    Than that it rot all the remnant."

    So, by that logic, if you get those bad apples put before they spoil the bunch then they were "just bad apples".

    To be clear I'm not saying the phrase isn't being used to minimize serious issues. But the point of the phrase wasn't that one bad apple means the entire bunch is already rotten, but that you need to remove the bad elements before the rot spreads.

  • MTG Says Trump Is a 'Convicted Felon' Just Like Jesus
  • TBF, they're both equally as dumb.

  • wayland was a mistake
  • ...bruh

    That honestly sounds like a conspiracy theory. You think that a bunch of people and corporations are putting time, money and energy into these projects to break the very thing they are designed for? I really think you should do some research on exactly how the Wayland project got its start and who was involved. Spoiler, it was a bunch of Xorg developers as I understand it.

    Plus the fact that desktop Linux was already fragmented by its nature. You think they want to fragment the already fragmented thing under the pretext of improvement? Fragment it by what? Providing a newer standard that is better enough than the old, that it actually convinces most groups to adopt it.

    Its legit the opposite, but the beauty of right now is that the various fragmented Linux ecosystems (distros, desktop environments, etc) are more alive and more healthy now than ever before.

    Edit: grammar and clarity

  • Windows just changed my desktop wallpaper and re-added the search bar without my permission after an update
  • I use FreeIPA and it works just fine for everything I would need AD for. Your point still stands. I just mean there are good enough alternatives for the Linux environment.

  • Yes, yes we do.
  • I paid a little bit and met my wife on one. No idea why anyone has a problem with paying for something they use. Two children later, I would say a lifetime the woman of my dreams made the few months that I paid for the tinder subscription was worth it. There were useful features then that came with it. No idea about it now.

  • ‘Head Up Their Ass!’ Marjorie Taylor Greene Melts Down Over ‘Feckless, Useless Republican Party’
  • It wasn't AOC's appearance that was attacked. AOC just jumped to her (Jasmine Crockett's) defense after MTG attacked Crockett. Crockett, then, fired back at Greene.

  • Navy sailor sentenced to 18 years in prison over espionage charges
  • You're overall point stands, but I don't know that I believe that someone got an article 92 over a sunburn. I've heard some variation of that from a bunch of people and even may be guilty of having spread it myself, but I have never actually seen it and couldn't find anything from a cursory search. I'll edit and apologize if some proof is put down, but, again, I don't think your actual point is diminished, regardless. Also, sick Parks and Rec reference.

  • Finally an alternative to Big Tech, your new open-source mobile ecosystem
  • My comment wasn't meant to negate yours. Waydroid was great to mention!! It is and can be very useful to accomplish alot. I just wanted to clarify that it, unfortunately, can't be used as a full replacement for Android or one of its derivatives.

    edit: grammar

  • Finally an alternative to Big Tech, your new open-source mobile ecosystem
  • Waydroid is nice and even indispensable for me, but you can't use any banking apps, for example.

  • De-Google Your Life - Part 1
  • I mainly use Grayjay, and I did pay because I believe that if I use a product and you ask for payment, I will pay. The only thing that I have found lacking is the lack of a good autoplay feature. I don't use autoplay most of the time, but it makes driving easier, as well as finding new content/creators. Rotate is weird, I have a few bugs there as well.

    However, I still think the point stands that it is difficult to find content creators because there are a thousand instances and no real way to parse the creators in a reasonable way, in order to find new content. You can find instances, but that is the long way. There needs to be a way to parse what is on the peertube part of the fediverse easily before it is going to be remotely appealing/usable to anyone outside our very niche, very nerdy circle.

    On mastodon, for example, I can search for a hashtag and it will search the entirety of those servers federated with my home server for that hashtag. Do that with peertube, and its the best option for users, IMHO. Monetization will have to get worked out to attract creators.

    Grayjay, though, great app with some room to improve. Already better than NewPipe in some ways.

  • Cloud Hosted VMs

    Not sure if cloud hosted VMs count as selfhosted for the purposes of this community, but I run a lot of services at the house and want to have a few services that require high availability run in a cloud external to my home. Specifically, I want to run Vaultwarden, an email server and a VPN. My question is one of recommendations. Which cloud service provides the best uptime/stability and is ethical enough for consideration?

    The ethics of some of these larger companies are no small part of the reason I chose to self host the majority(hopefully all soon) of the services that I use. So for instance Amazon and Microsoft are out. I currently use DigitalOcean for Vaultwarden, Zoho for domain email, and Nord for my VPN.

    Edit: Thank you to everyone who provided recommendations and information. I have chosen to stick with DigitalOcean for VM hosting for the time being. General consensus seems to be positive.

    I am working on self-hosting email much to the chagrin of some of the posters here with experience. I want to see how it works for me and am willing to deal with some headaches along the way. Time will tell whether I move that direction for my actual email or give up and use a ready made solution like proton. Time will also tell how much hair I have left when all is said and done after pulling it all out, lol.

    Again, thank you to everyone who shared their knowledge and experience.

    denshirenji denshirenji
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