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Some conservatives say transgender people regret surgery. A new study says otherwise
  • Worth noting that particular subreddit appears to be pretty heavily astroturfed. To the point where some detransitioners created r/actualdetrans to get away from the TERFs.

  • Offline apps for when you have 5 minutes to kill?
  • Anki might be worth your while if you are trying to learn something.

    Load it up with a flashcard deck of something you want to remember, and it'll show you those flashcards. Lots of people use it to learn languages, but it's also good for anything that requires memorisation.

  • Green Party split from group at centre of trans row
  • Prosecco Stormfront at it again.

  • Green Party split from group at centre of trans row
  • Exactly. Don't do what Labour is doing, trying to thread the needle and just pissing off everybody.

  • Green Party split from group at centre of trans row
  • "Gender critical" people chant "sex cannot be changed" like a mantra.

    It's not meant to make sense. It's not even a real argument, because it's overly vague and doesn't even attempt to address the arguments of their opponents. It's just a flat reassertion of their ideology. And if you follow gender criticals for long enough, you will see that they do this constantly.

  • Catastrophic change looms as Earth nears climate ‘tipping points’, report says
  • So, global warming is gonna happen. We no longer have control, it’s not our choice to make.

    You've flipped flopped between we don't need to take drastic action, and no action we can take can help.

    Conveniently, both means you get to ignore arguments to actually do something to mitigate the damage.

    Which really is your entire motivation.

  • Catastrophic change looms as Earth nears climate ‘tipping points’, report says
  • I’m not going to watch a whole youtube video just to pick up on the latest lingo.

    Deny it's happening, then claim we can't change anything once it's happened. The moment where we could do something about it is skipped over.

    Like you are doing now.

    No, mitigation does not require “drastic” action, fortunately. We’ve significantly mitigated it already, concerning our own emissions, and can do so further.

    What world do you live on? Certainly not the one the rest of us do. Our emissions have only been increasing.

    Yes we require drastic action. In fact we required drastic action decades ago. Now we require radical action.

    Do you have an idea that might mitigate it overseas, or change domestic politics enough to speed things up here?

    First and foremost, stop pointing your finger overseas. It is nothing but a distraction, a convenient excuse to not do what needs to be done domestically because "oh but China and India".

    Secondly, investment in equipping developing nations with clean energy infrastructure can help.

    I don’t think nonviolent protest is going to do it, there’s not enough of us willing to do so.

    Ultimately it is going to have to come down to protest.

    I am hoping non-violent methods, such as general strikes and direct action will be enough.

    But that does require solidarity, motivation, and mutual aid.

  • Catastrophic change looms as Earth nears climate ‘tipping points’, report says
  • You're responding to a point I didn't make. Even mitigation requires the drastic action you are arguing is impossible.

    But also, no, y'all don't get to slow-breakup this.

  • Catastrophic change looms as Earth nears climate ‘tipping points’, report says
  • I don't only see disaster. But I do see a specific problem, with a very obvious answer, that continues to get worse and worse with catastrophic future consequences. A problem that we continuously refuse to address in a meaningful manner.

  • Catastrophic change looms as Earth nears climate ‘tipping points’, report says
  • In my opinion, this position requires some cherry picking to avoid evidence of times when different things have improved over the past few decades.

    Quite the opposite. The times when we have made improvements have come precisely because we have made the sorts of decisive changes that we needed to make, that we are currently pretending are impossible.

    We actually solved the issue with the ozone layer, precisely because we took action and passed regulation banning their usage, despite the objections of businesses.

    Same thing with leaded petrol. We took decisive action and addressed the problem at a systemic level, rather than just softly appealing for people to make the "right choice uwu".

    In our current unprecedented circumstances, drastic change on a short timescale is going to require one of two things: the suspension of our democracy, or wide-scale bloodshed. Neither of these is actually particularly likely to result in positive change either.

    I agree that unrest seems basically inevitable. Because the people with the power to make the changes required have shown us in no uncertain terms that they never make the changes required.

    So I'm not sure why continuing to pander to those delusions with half-measures is preferable.

    I'm hoping change can be accomplished through general strikes and direct action. So that widespread bloodshed can be avoided.

    The problem is there may not be survival at the end of this tunnel. But only one way might work in time, and that’s the one we’ve been using for a couple centuries and seen okayish results with.

    Oh. So you are completely insane. Because we absolutely have not been seeing okayish results.

  • Catastrophic change looms as Earth nears climate ‘tipping points’, report says
  • Honestly the protesters that everyone hates kinda have the right idea.

  • Catastrophic change looms as Earth nears climate ‘tipping points’, report says
  • The problem with that being that the "minor solutions" aren't really solving the problem. We've been doing "minor solutions" for many years now, and we have only accelerated in our destruction of the environment.

    We need drastic change. Failing some deus-ex-machina-esque invention that quickly and cheaply solves the issue with no sacrifice needed, then we have to be demanding radical change. If that isn't possible, our other option is to just fail and die.

  • Catastrophic change looms as Earth nears climate ‘tipping points’, report says
  • Because the truth has limits on how hopeful and how simple it can be. Whereas the lies of billionaires have no such limitations.

    I agree with your point that the messaging isn't working. But pushing hope without radical reform of our current systems is basically just trying to diffuse the reaction to the facts without actually changing the facts leading to the reaction.

  • Gay? Okay. Rule? Unacceptable.
  • just to spite you in particular

    I'm not even vegan. I could not give less of a toss what you eat. But thank you for confirming just how small a person you really are.

  • Gay? Okay. Rule? Unacceptable.
  • And I’m saying that I don’t like the meat replacers.

    Nowhere in any of my comments have I suggested a "meat replacer" even a single time.

    This is why I'm snarky with you. Because you keep pretending I've said things that I haven't.

  • Gay? Okay. Rule? Unacceptable.
  • None the less, in my first post I spesifically pointed out that I am not looking for “just remove meat”, which was the point. And your answer was “well these foods are good if you just remove the meat”.

    I know what you asked. But no, that is not what I said.

    I did not say "remove the meat". I pointed out that all these meals are vegetarian until you add the meat. None of them are intrinsically meat-based.

    This is EXACTLY what I mean when I say you need a change of mindset, if you actually want to try.

    However, I find that the modern vegetarian cousine has stagnated because of the need to sell “meatlesd meat”.

    I have no idea where you are looking, but nothing could be further from the truth. Vegetarian options have flourished because more people are moving to a meat-free diet.

    I have tried a lot of “vegan options”, and as said, I am not looking to turn vegan. That is why I can decide NOT to compromise when it comes to meat.

    And of course, you think pretty much every vegan dish is a compromise, and so you will continue to not try. Convenient!

    And if you want to convert people to veganism, you need to change of mindset.

    Bite me :)

    A recipe is a start.

    I've suggested three already, I'm sorry you have trouble reading.

  • Gay? Okay. Rule? Unacceptable.
  • This is why people who eat mainly meat don’t even consider vegan food.

    No, the reason is that you have invented a false history to justify not even trying.

    There are entire cultures where eating meat is either a rare occasion, or simply never done, even though they have access to meat and livestock.

    People eat what they had available. Sometimes that was meat, many times it wasn't.

    Just one recipe. Is that too much?

    A simple vegetable soup is easy and nutritious. Most curries are vegetable-first and only become non-vegetarian by choosing to add meat instead of something like lentils or checkpeas. Vegetable lasagna is decadent and satisfying.

    There are near-infinite recipes available of food that is plant-based and tastes good. But you have this list of exclusionary factors where you have decided that various meals "should" have meat, and therefore a meat-free version has made a replacement, and is therefore inferior and you aren't going to try it.

    You don't need a recipe, you need a change of mindset.

  • Gay? Okay. Rule? Unacceptable.
  • Whatever. Good luck to you.

  • Gay? Okay. Rule? Unacceptable.
  • There are vegetable versions of every "incorporated" meal where all the ingredients are mixed together, like pasta, soup, curry, stir-fry, etc.. And for every other meal, the meat portion is easily replaceable with another portion of vegetables.

    Going vegetarian really is as simple as "don't put meat in it". Just take it off the ingredient list. Meals do not naturally contain meat, so if you don't add any, they won't have any. It's not something to be "substituted" unless you are wanting to mimic a specific meal.

  • Simple Mobile Tools is being sold to a for-profit firm ZipoApps
  • Ah no, that sucks. I've been using a lot of those apps.

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