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Tlaib refuses to apologize for blaming Israel for Gaza hospital blast, attacks Biden
  • I think the primary issue is that "destroying Hamas" and "killing a hell of a lot of Palestinians" currently has a large overlap and the Israeli mindset of large amounts of collateral damage/death being acceptable is not shared by most of the rest of the world, even though they're experiencing the same on a smaller mindset.

    The pendulum swings the other way and there are absolutely bad faith actors out there (and on here) who have no problem with Israel continuing to take a barrage of rockets on a regular basis, because they either have no skin in the game or genuinely want Israel as an entity to collapse. They aren't helpful here either.

    Historically speaking, land claim issues involved one side stomping out the other. But that's pretty much frowned upon today (not that has stopped Russia but, yeah, that's another topic). This is still the most likely outcome here and will ultimately favor the larger, better funded Israel - it doesn't make it right in any sense, though, but that's frankly just what is going to happen eventually. None of the countries complaining are interested in actually helping the people on the ground in Palestine, on either side, because they are more useful as a political tool if left in the wastes to perish as a symbol

  • Swiss drinking water is contaminated with ‘forever chemicals’, research shows
  • This is why we're looking for water on Mars, Nestle wants to bottle it

  • German woman's body paraded naked, spit on by Hamas fighters in Israel
  • No, they are a proxy war by Iran to push back from normalized relationships between the Saudis and Israel in a time when Iran is starting to feel internal pressure to "catch up" to the rest of the world. I feel for the people there, but this is messier and more disgusting than a simple retaliation.

  • Airlines cancel flights to Israel amid attacks
  • Gonna guess Spirit just lands you in the middle of the Gaza Strip and hands you a pistol and says "Good Luck". Also they billed you for the pistol.

  • Android Auto bug removes the navigation bar which is, you know, pretty important
  • Not sure what everyone else is doing, I use Android Auto constantly for work on a lot of rental cars without issue. The bugginess is probably crap cables or old phones, check those.

  • Marine Capitol rioter gets 1 hour of community service for each of 279 Marine Civil War casualties
  • No, they can still get some, look up "Honorable for VA Purposes".

  • Happens too often...
  • There is this belief by so many that somehow, if you create the perfect system, it will somehow overcome human nature or that humans will somehow starting acting collectively altruistic with the right political model.

    In most cases, they also imagine themselves in a position of power in this new government, either up in an upper "leadership" class or somehow silently leading "but I'm not a leader", as if somehow the idea itself is so potent that people will just, you know, execute it flawlessly without intervention.

  • Steve Harwell, Smash Mouth Founding Singer, Dead at 56
  • I think there's a gulf of difference between alcoholism that leads to end-stage liver failure and death and "I've been drunk before". Considering he is dead in 2023, gonna say he was pretty pickled already in 2021, especially with whatever downtime the pandemic offered

  • Lake Titicaca: The world’s highest navigable lake is drying out
  • Well do I have good news for you!

  • Homo Bodoensis: The New Species of Human Ancestor
  • The article mentions that this is an amalgam of other groups including the one you mentioned,

    "The name Homo bodoensis comes from a new analysis of already existing fossils found in Africa and Eurasia. Before the study, these fossils were attributed to multiple different species—that is, Homo heidelbergensis or Homo rhodesiensis, both of which were ambiguously defined in the first place."

    I don't know enough about this particular group in Winnipeg to speak about them, what makes them particularly controversial? Is it just reclassifying the above without really getting a consensus on the matter? Or is there believed to be issues with the methodology?

  • Meta plans major data center in Twin Cities metro
  • Mark has a new metaverse avatar he doesn't want leaked

  • cilantrule
  • I compare it to the bitter notes in okay coffee. I don't crave it on its own but I can respect it, it's part of the whole

  • Block bots that repost from Reddit
  • Also keep in mind this is only going to block good faith bots -- accounts marked this way. So you might end up blocking all of the useful bots that self identify as such but still be left with crap content from accounts continuing to repost more covertly

  • any soapy cilantro enjoyers?
  • So it's interesting, I have the soapy gene but have found that I do enjoy it, in modest amounts, in certain foods. It primarily just exists for me as an acquired, slightly off flavor that balances the rest - think like trying coffee for the first time versus later in life.

    That said, some food trucks really just give you whole scoops of the stuff and I can exhaust that good will pretty quick when I have a bowl of hot soapy pork broth

  • Google Fi "opted you in" to data selling - You can opt out of CPNI
  • Even more fun on Mobile Android, trying to login on the mobile site on browser...opens the Fi app because it was set up to handle links. You can remove the Fi app, change link handling for that domain, or use a computer, but yeah, some bullshit was afoot with that one

  • Alabama wants to be the 1st state to execute a prisoner by making him breathe only nitrogen
  • If a guy is being executed wrongfully and he's certain there's no hope for escape, pretty sure he's not going to be excited by the idea of going through a painful hell as well just to prove a point.

  • czarrie Czarrie

    There's nothing here

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