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I'm a horrible mother
  • We change him on the changing table. That'll obviously have to end. He was completely naked. My parter is out of town for work.

    And the crib is a new thing. We had to do sleep training because he literally refused to sleep one night. We tried for over 2 hours to put him down. Then gave up. Tried the cry it out method put pediatrician recommend (this was round 3 of any sleep training). He stubbornly SAT up in his crib for another 2+ hours refusing to sleep. Nodding off and falling over. Finally slept sometime after 12:45am

  • I'm a horrible mother

    My son will be 13 months on the 16th. This evening has been particularly rough. It started with my pom escaping the fence during dinner. So I had to interrupt my son eating and go collect my dog. Then he decided he didn't want to finish eating or basically even start eating. I put him in the bath since that always helps. It helped until I took him out.

    So I was trying to get him dressed for bed since he was just absolutely tired. Well while wrestling him to get a diaper on. He keeps alligator rolling. I just snapped and yelled at him. But he was so focused on his own screaming that he didn't even flinch.

    I feel like a failure. After that I finally succeeded in getting a diaper on him then. Tried to nurse him to sleep like we usually do. NOPE. continued to scream and fight sleep. After about 10 minutes, I gave up and just put him in the crib. He fought sleep for another 5 minutes then crashed.

    Earlier I checked him for a fever or anything physical that needed medical attention. He was just exhausted 😞

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