People can keep up with the situation and work to change it without also being drowned by it when trying to keep in touch with others online.
Getting angry at wading through hot takes just raises my blood pressure and wastes time I need to engage usefully irl.
@protist @reddig33
I mean to a degree *maybe* I could get behind realigning prices. But commercial and industrial buyers are making a profit using that gas and residential buyers aren't... And residential buyers are more likely to need the gas for everyday life and I feel like they *should* be shouldering less of the share of the costs.
That makes sense.
I tried to get an appointment at another and was told they couldn't do the battery work.
Autonation does a good job it just takes them longer than it would if there were more mechanics available.
@austin Will this work posting from my Mastodon account? Let's see!
My latest adventure in car repair went more smoothly than expected so I'm ok right now, but Autonation Chevrolet seems to be the only dealership near me that services battery/charging related issues in Bolts. The last time I had a problem they had my car for weeks. Is there a good local shop for EVs anywhere in ATX? Austin EV Only is near me and I contacted them but they seem to focus on hybrids. Or at least not Bolts.
Over educated under achieving one time computer geek, baker, sandwich maker, and delivery driver now certified bookkeeper!
I also dabble with knitting patterns which are linked below.
And I'm annoyed to have lost my "Joined Nov 1, 2022" in my instance moves.