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Day 104 Stream of Life
  • Thank you very much.

  • Day 104 Stream of Life
  • Nice. Where is this from?

  • Android Microphone Snooping
  • Just get a Pixel and flash GrapheneOS.

  • Google has replaced the Google Assistant app on Android with Gemini by default
  • Your device is not your device. Google's device, google's rules!

  • Find-My alternatives
  • You may want to look into CerberusApp - I know, it's controversial and not FOSS, but it works great for me.

  • I like the web app more.
  • Really don't get what all the fuss regarding Sync is about. There are plenty of alternatives out there, free or not. Maybe someone can explain what I'm missing?

  • what does your android / iphone home screen look like
  • loving this, very clean and minimalistic!

  • what does your android / iphone home screen look like
  • Sure, I made the switch to Tutanota recently but I'm yet to transfer some events from the Proton calendar. Keeping it there until I do that :-)

  • Why has Britain become so poor?
  • Sorry and thank you for pointing it out. I've just edited my comment to use the right link.

  • dear lord

    original source:

    What is internet funeral?
  • This is a wonderful community that I check regularly. Thanks for creating it and keeping it alive, may it thrive!

  • Why has Britain become so poor?
  • In case you see a paywall, you can access the full article here:

  • Why has Britain become so poor?
  • In case you see a paywall, you can access the full article here:

  • Why has Britain become so poor?

    In 1991, during the depths of the post-communist recession, Poles were poorer than citizens of Suriname and Gabon. Thirty years later, Poland has grown so rapid

    Why has Britain become so poor?
    Can we call it Ex?
  • And just like an ex, you want to stay away from it.

  • Musk's new idea
  • Is that code word for running it into the ground?

  • Unilever will let Russia employees be conscripted

    The Cornetto maker says it will comply with Russian law to permit staff to be conscripted.

    Unilever will let Russia employees be conscripted
    US still refuses to transfer ATACMS to Ukraine
  • Thank you, this is a very interesting perspective and way of thinking that hasn't occurred to me before. It does make perfect sense looking at things with NATO lens, but despite all of this, I hope Ukraine gets what it needs and wins ASAP!

  • US still refuses to transfer ATACMS to Ukraine
  • It's all a matter of time, like with the HIMARS, tanks and planes. As usual, too little too late. I really don't get it. Why delay the inevitable?

  • Midden heap
  • When you think of it, I find it amazing that solo, capable Devs managed to create far more beautiful, performant and functional apps than reddit's whole team comprised on hundreds of devs.

  • A Funeral for Fish & Chips A funeral for fish and chips: why are Britain’s chippies disappearing?

    The long read: Plenty of people will tell you the East Neuk of Fife in Scotland is the best place in the world to eat fish and chips. So what happens when its chippies – and chippies across the UK – start to close?

    A funeral for fish and chips: why are Britain’s chippies disappearing?
    14 India’s sex workers turn to WhatsApp, Instagram to find clients safely

    While these spaces help sex workers gauge their clients before agreeing to meet them, going digital comes with risks.

    India’s sex workers turn to WhatsApp, Instagram to find clients safely
    Bayer division 'knowingly sold' HIV-infected protein (2003) Bayer division 'knowingly sold' HIV-infected protein

    A division of pharmaceutical company Bayer knowingly sold blood-clotting agents infected with the human immunodeficiency virus to Asia and Latin America after withdrawing them from Europe and the US, a US newspaper claimed yesterday.

    Bayer division 'knowingly sold' HIV-infected protein

    A division of the German pharmaceutical company Bayer knowingly sold blood-clotting agents infected with HIV to Asia and Latin America months after withdrawing them from Europe and the US, an American newspaper claimed yesterday.

    3 Building a Design System with React Web Components

    Learn how to create a universal Design system with React and Web Components to use in any web application or framework.

    Building a Design System with React Web Components
    0 Zelenskiy accuses Nato of lack of respect over Ukraine membership

    Ukrainian president complains there is ‘no readiness’ to invite country to join, as Lithuania summit opens

    45 After 30 Years, Linux Finally Hits 3% Market Share

    Linux enthusiasts rejoice! After a long journey, according to StatCounter's data, by June 2023, Linux has achieved a 3% desktop market share.

    France To Send Ukraine SCALP Long-Range Missiles France To Send Ukraine SCALP Long-range Missiles: Macron

    France will provide Ukraine with Scalp long-range cruise missiles to help Kyiv's forces strike targets deep behind Russian lines, President Emmanuel Macron said Tuesday.

    4 ‘We have ambitious plans’: Anti-Putin forces plan fresh attacks inside Russia

    Leader of cross-border raids says weapons, not words, are needed to overthrow the regime in Moscow

    ‘We have ambitious plans’: Anti-Putin forces plan fresh attacks inside Russia
    chokidar ᴄʜᴏᴋɪᴅᴀʀ

    living the dream life - noodles, lemmy, coding and sleep!

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