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For a limited time you can get the Classic Traveler Facsimile Edition for free which includes the original text of the 1981 edition of Classic Traveler based on page image Scans. Books 1-3
  • Nice to see that Marc's kept this up there for free. It's a great version if folks don't have the originals and/or want to play a great game!

  • F-16s for Ukraine: When will they arrive and what can they do?
  • You had said "Allegedly they can shoot down Russian planes, because their targeting systems have longer range."

    My post was to share information to indicate that is not so - F16 does not have longer range.

    The rest, you and Tom are in agreement.

  • F-16s for Ukraine: When will they arrive and what can they do?
  • The reverse is probably going to be true, unfortunately. The F16s weaponry is still based on 70s/80s engagement envelopes, more modern Russian a/c use missiles/radar that have much further range. The F16s will be most effective where UKR has additional anti-air assets to keep the more modern a/c away.

    A very good breakdown of this by someone who's studied military aircraft for a living...

  • Transitioning from Serial One-shots to Open World Play - Seeking Advice and Suggestions
  • I don't know much about DC100, but, to me, open world means there are multiple choices and multiple things going on. Hooking them from B2 to DC100, that feels like a single funnel? From point A, go to Point B, although that path might have 3 diff variants, they all end up in the same place?

    I try to give players in a new campaign 3 different things to do. 3 hooks/paths. 3 factions. 3 locations to explore (whether a dungeon, outdoor setpiece, another town) and a homebase.

    You can make each of those 3 things another module. So DC100 for 1 hex/location after B2, and two other modules for two other locations.

    Then put them in their home base (a village or perhaps even the Keep from B2) and dangle those hooks to each of the locations - rumors, someone actively recruiting, a physical object pointing in a direction, etc...

    That's just how I would do it and have done it.

  • Sci-fi you couldn’t get into?
  • whynotboth.gif trolololol.gif ;)

  • Sci-fi you couldn’t get into?
  • Firefly (and it's movie, Serenity). I just didn't enjoy them, just didn't click with me.

  • Four simultaneous heat domes break major records across the globe - The Weather Network
  • Day After Tomorrow - the real, inverted (Hot not Cold) version.

  • A question regarding the picking of a printer that fits my use case.
  • I tried a Creality Ender 3 a couple of years ago. Struggled a lot, for me, it required a lot of aftermarket replacements to make it work well. I sold it about 6 mo later.

    In Mar, I bought an Anycubic Kobra. Out of the box, worked like a champ and has continued to. None of the struggles I had with the Ender. Only add on was a sensor to let me know when I'm out of filament.

    You'll probably hear from folks who bought an Ender and had great success, and folks who struggled w/a Kobra, though. It's like an automobile... you're going to hear good and bad stories for each model.

    Honestly, I read a lot of articles and just found what fit my use case, expectations and budget. Your first one will definitely be a learning experience.

    Good luck!

  • curious
  • If it's dimensions are suitable, it will assume a sedentary position.

  • What's your favorite off the beaten path spaceship?
  • Heh. Nope, 30something in the 90s. Just enjoyed good sci-fi then :D

  • What's your favorite off the beaten path spaceship?
  • So many good ones named, but I'm going to go with

    1. The Hammerhead from "Space: Above & Beyond"

    2. Any/all of the fighter ships from the video game series "Wing Commander"

    3. How come nobody's mentioned the fantastic Eagle Transporter System from Space-1999??????

  • OSRSS: Anyone got good rss feed suggestions for osr / rpg content ?
  • Try this as a starting point? It's a list of a metric ton of OSR blogs.

  • Have you ever switched from a more basic game to a more advanced one mid campaign? Looking for advice, suggestions, reasons why it’s a terrible idea, etc.
  • Funny enough, I've gone in the reverse direction.

    But I think if I were to do that, I would: be up front with players, try to mask a lot of the mechanics (unless the switch was to bring crunch to the players), be patient and willing to backtrack, have some after-game-discussions on how things went.

  • What have you been reading recently?
  • Mostly re-reading Classic Traveller 3 little black books from 1977. Amazing how much of a complete game is there and yet an open framework for implementing just about any sci-fi setting you can imagine. That is, if you're willing to do the work that 1977 RPGs expected from referees. Definitely not an "open and just run table procedures" type of game!

  • How To Play OD&D - The Hidden Resources You Haven't Seen by The Dungeon Master's Handbook Podcast Episode 57 - How To Play OD&D - The Hidden Resources You Haven't Seen by The Dungeon Master's Handbook Podcast

    I share four key resources that I think will help anyone who is trying to learn how to play along with the original three little brown books of Dungeons & Dragons as printed back in 1974. Plus, probably one of the most unusual call-ins from a fellow podcaster that you’ll hear! ---- OD&D Proboards F...

    Episode 57 - How To Play OD&D - The Hidden Resources You Haven't Seen by The Dungeon Master's Handbook Podcast

    I share four key resources that I think will help anyone who is trying to learn how to play along with the original three little brown books of Dungeons & Dragons as printed back in 1974.

    Reddit feels like it's gone back to 100% normalcy already. Was the protest a failure?
  • It's a good search target for what has happened up to 12 Jun 23... after that? I can go incognito to reddit, get what I need then come back to here and continue using this as a resource and share what I've got.

  • What's your most-loved non-star movie/show?
  • Space: Above & Beyond. I thought it had some interesting ideas that were never given a chance to be fully explored.
    Babylon 5. It's probably up there as #5 in your top 4, tbh.
    Planet of the Apes. 1970s movies and TV series.

  • How would interdiction of Spaceships be possible?
  • Oh absolutely. We've been in this campaign for 14 years, they know when I'm throwing them a curve ball and when they're among friends. They've just not gotten back to their destination to figure out who is who yet. It's been great fun!

    However you want to deal with it, you do you! I just find that when I want to be consistent in my world, less tech/magic and more "people did it" seems to flow better. That's me, though.

  • How would interdiction of Spaceships be possible?
  • As someone who has to write RPG settings and scenarios, if I can't be consistent with the tech or magic, then I think of what would be the easiest way to do something.

    In this case? If I had to do this and didn't want to throw in crazy tech? Easiest way to stop the Heroes? The Villains bribe/blackmail someone to interrupt the jump, or they've planted a device to sabotage the engines at a certain time. They're waiting at that point.

    Nothing like a good ambush AND some intrigue ("how did they do that?")

    My players hate when I interrupt their journey. We're on month 3 of adventures due to an interrupted journey... and now they trust NOBODY!

  • SpaceX changing Starship stage separation ahead of next launch
  • Aren't the batteries and electric motors driving the grid fins at the top of the booster? That and the entire interstage are gonna get blasted with the thrust plume of three Raptors. Reinforcing them enough that it doesn't affect planned reusability targets could take a bigger bite out of the payload than they get from hot staging.

    That was my first thought, or that the header tank up at the top might not like being heated like that.

    I'm sure they'll figure out pretty quickly if it works or not.

  • SpaceX changing Starship stage separation ahead of next launch
  • Going to be interested in how they make that work with the intended recoverability of the booster. Excitement guaranteed, for sure!

    I think Soyuz boosters currently do hot staging, the interstage is open IIRC.

  • Classic Traveller Facsimile version is free right now (6/24/23) on DTRPG.

    Classic Traveller is an amazing scifi role playing game dating back from 1977 and still played today - a 5th version is out. Since today is FreeRPGDay, I guess Marc Miller decided to make this one free.

    "This is the original text of the 1981 edition of Classic Traveller based on page image Scans. It includes Books 1-2-3, with errata and corrections inserted (where possible; and additional material in an errata appendix). The PDF has been OCR'ed. Margins are upgraded to 6x9 (from 5-1/2 x 8-1/2) for better margins."

    chgowiz chgowiz

    Hi! I'm Michael, aka Chgowiz. (Chicago-Wiz).

    Parent, grandparent, veteran of US Air Force, IT/programming guy. D&D nerd, NERD!

    DIY/hobbyist at things.

    Claims to fame/infamy? Dungeon Masters's Handbook podcast - Co-author of One Page Dungeon template - author of "Three Hex Campaign Starters"

    Find me on Mastodon:

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