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Enough is enough, how do I filter out the Trump/musk shit?
  • This is the way. Subscribe to the stuff you care about, and ignore the rest. Browsing “all” from time to time should be enough as long as you sort by top of the week or something like that.

    This way, you’re in charge. You get to control how much you get exposed to potentially harmful stuff.

  • Is it moral to vandalize Teslas?
  • Sand and dust usually has really hard particles that will scratch most materials out there. Have you considered using rotten tomatoes instead?

  • Is it moral to vandalize Teslas?
  • When something breaks, it’s going to cost you more than you paid for the whole car. Cost of ownership is an important factor in the long run.

  • Google will use machine learning to estimate a user’s age
  • Speak for yourself. Here in the NULL island, we’re all born on January 1st, 1970.

  • Third judge blocks Trump’s order ending birthright citizenship for kids of people in US illegally
  • That is a good point. So, in this case, the non-citizen would be like a tourist. They have some rights too, don’t they?

  • Third judge blocks Trump’s order ending birthright citizenship for kids of people in US illegally
  • But wouldn’t that also work the other way around? If so, any white supremacist or government agency could commit any atrocity and not get convicted, because the victim wasn’t protected by any laws.

  • In the style of gritty film noir, what are up to this week?
  • LOL. I can see you’re having a lot of fun reading these short stories.

  • In breaking USAID, the Trump Administration may have broken the law
  • If there’s no punishment, did you really break the law?

  • Trump announces plan to stop making new pennies, citing production costs
  • What about galvanized steel though? You know, like traffic signs, light posts, some cars, various construction materials etc? You could use zinc in so many ways. I expect those applications would also take a lot more zinc than the pennies ever could.

  • In breaking USAID, the Trump Administration may have broken the law
  • People who are involved in the process of making new laws, are also the ones breaking them. There might be a slight conflict of interest, don’t you think?

    Nah, it’s probably fine. What could go wrong.

  • In the style of gritty film noir, what are up to this week?
  • The days were short, cloudy, and freezing as they usually are in February. The sun rises and sets during working hours, so the only time to see it is during lunch break. You can forget about feeling the warmth of sunshine on your skin, though. The Nordic winter sun is pitifully weak, while the wind is brutal. Probably not a relevant detail today, though, because the grey shroud covers the sky again.

    Last Sunday, I went shopping, but my favorite tea store was closed. Of course it was. Apparently, I need to try my miserable luck during the weekdays. Porridge was aslo about to run out. I had enough for just one more morning. The mere thought of cramming myself into a crowded sardine can on rubber wheels to make my way to the nearest supermarket filled my heart with disgust and dread. Once in the bus, regret will undoubtedly join the party.

    The suffocating atmosphere wasn’t the only reason, though. As all remaining shreds of decency and withered human souls are sacrificed on the altar of capitalism, my hope for the future dwindles like a candle slowly running out of its pale fuel. I never really enjoyed supermarkets or the constant bombardment by intrusive advertisements in all forms: audio, visual, and even olfactory. Even though I don't endorse or condone acts of violence, living in the city has made me somehow understand where some crazy people are coming from.

  • In breaking USAID, the Trump Administration may have broken the law
  • Just the executive orders given during the first day sparked a bunch of lawsuits. What can you expect from the rest. Judges have their work cut out for them for years to come.

  • What would you do if there was a zombie apocalypse coming and you had 2 days to prepare?
  • I’m going to assume the zombies are the result of a microbial/viral infection reanimating a cadaver. Those muscles aren’t going to stay functional for long, because the body is dead, systems have stopped etc.

    I’ll just get enough water and canned food to survive a week. Just lock the doors and stay inside until the zombies outside stop moving.

  • What's the most exotic pet you've seen someone have?
  • That would make sense.

    Once I saw a documentary about truffle hunting, and dogs were much better in this regard. Pigs tend to eat everything they find, whereas dogs will obediently restrain themselves and only point to the truffle instead of eating it.

  • What's the most exotic pet you've seen someone have?
  • I’ve seen someone walking a pig in the forest. Yes, a large pink hairless pig. It was almost like walking a dog, but this animal was quite a bit larger than most dogs.

  • Why I am not impressed by A.I.
  • Here’s a bit of code that’s supposed to do stuff. I got this error message. Any ideas what could cause this error and how to fix it? Also, add this new feature to the code.

    Works reasonably well as long as you have some idea how to write the code yourself. GPT can do it in a few seconds, debugging it would take like 5-10 minutes, but that’s still faster than my best. Besides, GPT is also fairly fluent in many functions I have never used before. My approach would be clunky and convoluted, while the code generated by GPT is a lot shorter.

    If you’re well familiar with the code you’ve working on, GPT code will be convoluted by comparison. If so, you can ask GPT for the rough alpha version, and you can do the debugging and refining in a few minutes.

  • If you were a butterfly, which flowers would you choose?
  • Nice! That was a fascinating way to look at it. Makes sense too.

  • If you were a butterfly, which flowers would you choose?
  • Wow! That’s a proper sea of flowers.

  • chaosCruiser chaosCruiser


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