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  • How would that be tracked as "spent by an undocumented immigrant"?

    As undocumented immigrants, they'd be unable to have bank accounts, so all of their payments would be in cash wouldn't they?

  • “Model collapse” threatens to kill progress on generative AIs
  • If mainstream blogs are writing about it, what would make someone think that AI companies haven't thoroughly dissected the problem and are already working on filtering out AI fingerprints from the training data set? If they can make a sophisticated LLM, chances are they can find methods to XOR out generated content.

  • Know your nazi
  • They teach kids in school that cops are your friends, which you would think is some kind of state sanctioned indoctrination program, but it's actually just naiveté on the part of the educators. If you meet a cop, does it feel like they're your friend, or does it feel like someone puffing up their chest to try and intimidate you even when you've done nothing wrong?

  • Inconceivable!
  • Evolution is an observed phenomenon studied for over a hundred years. Creationism is not. Your comparison is erroneous.

    "The most reasonable conclusion..." meaning absent all other evidence, the only conclusion that has any merit is that all creation myths are wrong.

  • Chipotle pilots new line of robots in California after $20 per hour wage.
  • Hmm, let's see. In order to fully prepare a burrito, you would need to perform numerous tactile actions. First would be grabbing a tortilla. Given the floppy, inconsistently shaped, and thin properties of the tortilla, you couldn't grab one reliably using a standard 6 axis or suspended picker robot, you would need a tortilla loading mechanism, probably spring loaded with a sensor and servo motor to index the tortilla forward into the work area. Okay, so you have your tortilla loading mechanism. Next is to apply sauces like guac or sour cream. You can achieve this using a suspended robot like an ABB FlexPicker with a sauce application tool or other similarly spec'd robot. Oops! Is the customer allergic to avocado? Looks like the robot needs a tooling change! In fact, it'll need a tooling change anytime a new sauce is requested. Next is toppings and filling. This would need to be performed using dozens of hoppers and sensors to detect the tortilla underneath. Next is an automated rolling device. You might think you could get away with some kind of motorized roll-your-own cigarette type device, but burritos are also tucked, so you would need some kind of machine that can receive a loaded tortilla into a die, with actuators on the sides to tuck, and perpendicular actuators on the bottom to roll. Next, you need to wrap the tortilla in paper. The same type of device can roll the burrito in paper, but it would need to be a discrete device as to cut down on mess. Now, automatically present the burrito to the customer.

    You would need roughly 5 automated stations that include robots, sensors, actuators, and bespoke engineered parts. To control it all, you would need a PLC with enough IO slots to manage all of the signals that are required (ie: signal to indicate tortilla is loaded, signal to indicate that sour cream is empty, signal to indicate that tortilla has failed wrapping, etc there are dozens of signals to process even in simple operations), a massive electrical panel to house all of the control circutry, and you would need at least 1 college educated technician (earning roughly $60-80k per year) to maintain the equipment at all times, but more likely, you'll need at least 2 technicians per shift.

    Then comes the commissioning phase, which given the menu and all of the options Chipotle offers, would take months to fine tune the process. It has moving parts and exists in a location with lots of civilian consumers not wearing PPE, so you'll have to perform a pre-start health and safety report and get that certified by the right governing body (usually state/province level government agency).

    Then comes the paperwork required to terminate thousands of staff legally and the added HR cost of taking managers away from managing in order to terminate their entire staff. Not to mention, the added risk of all of your managers losing faith in the company due to severe morale degradation.

    All of this assumes 100% uptime, which is an impossibility. Even Toyota's lines go down for PMs or faults.

    Is that easier than just paying your minimum wage earners a little more?

  • AI-Generated Code is Causing Outages and Security Issues in Businesses
  • Incidentally, not even 5 years ago, you could just go on stack overflow and copy and paste a whole topic into your IDE and compile that bitch, and you'd probably wind up with fewer bugs than the normie executives who just learned about ChatGPT yesterday from their 8 year old nephew who uses it to write catfish lovenotes to his teacher from Gordie Howe or some other retired sports guy.

  • "The Subprime AI Crisis" - Ed Zitron on the bubble's impending collapse
  • There are a ton of companies selling value based companies on "AI" services, when in actuality, it's just repackaged ChatGPT. Real AI based on ML requires a ton of resources and time in order to train a viable model that does 1 thing properly. Having ChatGPT summarize or write emails for you is not AI and is not adding value to your organization. I'm waiting for that realization to hit.

  • InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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