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  • How'd you get internet working?

  • Garlic bread is communion with the divine
  • It's commonly used just that way in a lot of languages without replacing it since the meaning or rather connotation can also get lost when translating it easily.

  • Garlic bread is communion with the divine
  • Did they seriously translate Inshallah/Mashallah?

  • I thought I was alone
  • Come on I write way more unhinged shit >:3

  • I thought I was alone
  • New bottom surgery just dropped!

  • Shit...
  • Buy Linux How? Like he could buy individual OSs like Redhat or Ubuntu maybe but Linux :o ?

  • what's the latest image in your download folder?
  • what about debian based distros?

  • U.K. forces Google to remove websites selling gender-affirming medications
  • Tor is not a search engine. Use duckduckgo/ecosia

  • The EU's new default browser rules work; here's what it means for the US
  • This website actually asked me if I wanted to share personal informstion with them and their 1.5k partners :o

    Also they cite this Reuters article which is basically the same article and you should read instead.

  • 2meirl4meirl
  • Where did you get that Intelligence has an inverse correlation with happiness? Because that seems like a bold statement.

  • When you’re not…
  • Maybe it's just me but I get pretty autistic vibes from this!

  • Be honest: if you had the power to stop time, your morals would go out the window.
  • Sounds a lot like Kant with his morality of principals to me.

  • Why Bother With uBlock Being Blocked In Chrome? Now Is The Best Time To Switch To Firefox
  • Tbf every time is the best time to switch to Firefox

  • We're going in the wrong direction
  • VLC Media player is still the best way to watch a video.

  • celeste celeste

    Any pronouns

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