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Threads logo looks like a cinnamon bun
  • I actually don't think it looks TOO bad. But in not sure what it means.

    While writing this I figured out its an 'a' @ symbol. Instead of following the one line, it uses the a with an overhang

  • Is it safe to open ports 80 and 443 in my home network?

    Hi all, I'm running a small website off of a raspberry pi in my house. I have opened ports 80 and 443 and connected my IP to a domain. I'm pretty confident in my security for my raspberry pi (no password ssh, fail2ban, nginx. Shoutout networkchuck.). However, I am wondering if by exposing my ports to the raspberry pi, I am also exposing those same ports to other devices in my home network, for example, my PC. I'm just a bit unsure if port forwarding to an internal IP would also expose other internal IP's or if it only goes to the pi. If you are able to answer or have any other comments about my setup, I would appreciate your comment. Thanks!

    Is there a problem with keeping the backend of an NGINX server in /var/www ?

    Hi all. I'm looking to make a backend in my NGINX server, for a website that only gets a few views. Right now I'm managing the files of the site using Git, with /var/www/ as the folder on github. I'm looking to create an ip logger to plot onto a map, and I'm wondering if there are any problems with hosting it on /var/www. My main concerns are if it's accessible to other users or if it'll slow down NGINX. I'm absolutely able to do it in another folder, but I am wondering if there are any problems with keeping any files in /var/www. To my knowledge, only past /var/www/html is viewable by a connection.


    Require email or captcha until this is resolved?
  • Definitely captcha. Email anonymity is nice, and I don't want to sign up with my email to everything.

    If there is going to be a captcha tho, use hCaptcha or one of the cloudflare ones. Google captcha is just free labor for developing AI and I don't think anyone wants to keep contributing to that.

  • Me, observing the beauty in nature

    It seems that, the more I stay online and tuned in to every event, the more im tuned out of the real world happening around me. Take a moment to appreciate the simplicity of the life around you. We weren't built to sit infront of a photon blaster all day 🚵🧘

    Hey could we defederate with
  • "Fascism is a far-right, authoritarian, ultranationalist political ideology and movement, characterized by a dictatorial leader, centralized autocracy, militarism, forcible suppression of opposition, belief in a natural social hierarchy, subordination of individual interests for the perceived good of the nation and race, and strong regimentation of society and the economy."

    Don't try to misinterpret what I said. Censorship of opposing views is attacking someone's right to free speech. Once again, you are correct, you don't have to listen, but they have every right to say. I'm sorry that you truly believe that people that don't like you should be censored. I don't like them either, but censorship is a violation of their rights.

    "But this isn't a government entity!" No, its not, but that doesn't mean I can't argue for the right to free speech on here.

    "Letting them have a platform will spread hate." The right to hate is part of free speech. Just as you may hate, from what I can tell, republicans/people on the right, they can hate anyone else too. "Speech can be ugly, disgusting, hateful, prejudice, and alarming, but it can never be dangerous to a free society as long as men and women of good will have the freedom of speech to dispute it, challenge it, and reject it."

    As my final comment, because this comment chain has gone on for too long... the instance isn't far-right or disgusting. All of the arguing of "They're equal to nazi's!" is an equivocation that resulted in an unrelated argument. They don't have "hate speech", just speech you hate. Anyway, I suggest that BOTH of us stop arguing on here. As good of a point as either one of us may have, I think its clear we're cemented in our morals and are wasting our time. I encourage you to fight for what you believe in, and have a nice day.

  • Hey could we defederate with
  • If being bigoted is wrong, it doesn't take a genius to prove that, no?

    I can disagree with everything they stand for, and think they are absolutely stupid, but god damn do they have a right to be. The mentality stemmed from twitter of "They are just so wrong I wont even listen or let them talk" is so ignorant and authoritarian. What if north korea censored people for saying anything negative about their government? That would be wrong to us, but to them it is based in logic.

    The internet has become so used to banning expression, it baffles me. It used to be commonly agreed apon that every individual has a right to thought, and if they're stupid it should be easy to prove them so. Nowadays everyone is censoring everyone they dont like. Some people on the right wanting to stop LGBT content, someone in this thread wanting to censor the Matt Walsh documentary. I've watched it to hear his opinion, despite how much I may disagree with him. And it brought up some good points. If the documentary is so wrong, we should put it out there to show and publicly shame, no? Censorship is the weakest form of countering, no one is the moral authority they may think they are.

    Sorry to make this so long but I am tired of people being willingly ignorant because they don't like what someone said. Have a nice day, stranger I disagree with.

  • What is

    I was surprised to visit (without the sh.) and find an IT company. How did the url come to be, amazing name and all?

    How do you guys use a distro that doesn't have the AUR (or equivalent?)

    I know I said in my last post I'm a noob, and, i still am, I'm just a noob who can follow a YouTube tutorial. I installed Arch, not only for its minimalistic install, but also because I love the AUR. Everything I could ever want to install is there, and anyone who wants to upload their files can. This gives a windows-like install experience, which, pardon my... spanish, is actually pretty good. Any program is free to be uploaded and installed by anyone.

    My question to you is: If you do not use an arch-based distro, how do you go about installing software? I've heard people say that "the default package manager is enough" but I can't be the only person who installs niche software. I wouldn't want to only be able to install packages hopefully approved by my distro. Flatpaks are kind of annoying, in my opinion? It's not a native install of a package, it's sandboxed (which can be good in some cases, but in general just an inconvenience.) Compiling from source is too hardcore for me, so props if that is you, however, non-FOSS software has to be moved by hand to its specific folders and .desktop files have to be made by text. If you don't use the AUR, how do you go about your Linux experience?

    P.S. Hope you like the new sux/teal logo!


    Im kindof a noob but I love linux

    Such a cool piece of software. Use this community for anything related to linux for now, if it gets too huge maybe there will be some sort of meme/gaming/shitpost spinoff. Currently though... go nuts

    InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (

    You're Br without the Bro ❤️

    No, not the blood type

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