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Nuclear isn't perfect, but it is the best we have right now.
  • Germany Imports 0,5% of the Electricity from France. It’s not that we are depending on it. The day ahead prices for electricity are lower in Germany than they are in France. The Coal Plant are not running on full capacity, cause it is cheaper to import electricity through the European electricity Grid. Level of burning coal is the same level that it was in the 60’s. The most imported electricity is Norway water power and Danish wind Power.

    The cheap news that we depend on France are just wrong. No idea why everybody is riding this dead horse. Even in the summer 2022 when gas prices where high caused by the Ukraine war and the summer was hot, we had to help our France with energy, cause their nuclear power plants couldn’t get enough cooling water from the rivers, cause the water lvl in it was to low and the most power plant needed maintenance.

    And the CO2 thing. The emissions are infinite high, cause there is not a solutions for it. Not even close! I just don’t buy the shit, that the EU declared nuclear as co2 free. That’s bullshit.

    I like to discuss and get new ideas. But the whole nuclear thing is just stupid and so many people are ignoring the facts about that.

  • Nuclear isn't perfect, but it is the best we have right now.
  • Iam so sick of this conversation. It is not cheap, it’s not clear where to let the waste and in the end it’s even dangerous. Don’t let some populists make you think nuklear energy is good. France made a big mistake to go all in. All projects take longer than expected and cost much more than calculated.

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  • Is this a joke I’m too European to unterstand?

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  • Einfach awareness schaffen. Der ganze Laden hier ist ein Museum der 90er.

  • Vorschlagswesen bei der Arbeit nutzen
  • Es gibt da ein Tool, wo sowas mit Anhang, Freitext und Stichworten beschrieben wird. Das wiederum wird dann von einer Kommission bearbeitet und bewertet.

  • Vorschlagswesen bei der Arbeit nutzen

    Ich arbeite in einer konservativen Firma im Bereich Maschinenbau. Ich würde gerne das betriebsinterne Vorschlagswesen nutzen um das Thema Nachhaltigkeit und Pflanzliche Ernährung mal auf den Tisch zu bringen. Habt ihr Vorschläge wie ich das angehen kann oder etwa andere Themen die ihr vorschlagen würdet?

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    German Chancellor Scholz speaks out against new nuclear power
  • Germany is burning less coal this year in comparison to last year.

  • What's a good podcast you like?
  • Lage der Nation

    from Germany. It’s like the weekly newspaper, where a judge and a journalist sum up and talk about what is happening in and around Germany. I like how they put everything in perspective and that not everything is as easy as it seems.

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