It's really too bad the writing isn't as good as the animation, voice acting, and sound design for these.
What I liked was that it showed a much more nuanced perspective on terrorism than just about any other show, many years before it was relevant to debunking certain aspects of how the GWOT was being sold. Lots of quite intense "war movie" episodes toward the end.
@StillPaisleyCat @skullgiver
From an old trek book, the hardware is canonically IBM. https://memory-alpha.fandom.com/wiki/Star_Trek_The_Next_Generation:_20th_Century_Computers_and_How_They_Worked
I'm the dad of a smart, good kid, and I'm a husband to a person patient enough to stick with me for more than half my life.
I'm an older programmer, alternately feeling empowered and powerless by coding depending on how it's going.
I listen to a lot of podcasts. I also like to read, but don't find the time as much as I'd like.
Am I a contrarian? I build my own DVRs, type using Dvorak, measure ℃ for temp and 24h for time. Also, months are a bad unit of measure.