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Tamiyo MH3 gift bundle box art by Ricardo Bessa
  • From the WotC site, contains art that's cropped out in the other version.

  • Frygt og foragt i flere franske byer efter højrefløjens sejr
  • Korrekt, det var forkert formuleret, men forhåbentligt kan meningen ses alligevel 😄

  • Frygt og foragt i flere franske byer efter højrefløjens sejr
  • Jeg vil ikke repræsentere et land, der ikke afspejler mine værdier, som ikke afspejler vores værdier.

    Jeg har ikke begreb om hvor ekstreme holdninger franske partier har, men hvis partiet er i flertal så må man gå ud fra de afspejler i hvert fald et flertal af vælgernes værdier.

  • Isekai Suicide Squad • Suicide Squad ISEKAI - Episodes 1-3 discussion
  • I'm waiting for user reviews on this one. I don't have a lot of immediate interest in it, but if it's very good, I'll give it a shot.

  • "Traditional" Parents Raising Children To Play Magic With Ante (satire)
  • I wish posts like this would be tagged as satire so they could get caught by my filter.

  • "Plus-Sized Elf" Character Elfuda Named Ambassador for the Japan French Fries Association - Collaboration Visual
  • It's a little funny, but I don't see it as a misstep. It's probably just a popular (I assume) character who's associated with fries, and them being realistic in assuming that it's common knowledge that over-indulging in fast food causes weight gain.

  • Valve faces a £656 million lawsuit in the UK for 'overcharging 14 million PC gamers'
  • I maintain that it wouldn't affect me. As for what would be reinvested, you say "a good portion," I say an amount so low that its impact will be immeasurably low.

    You talked about extent in that you're suggesting the improvement in quality would be worth caring about; this is just you being pedantic. Allow me to be pedantic as well: I never retorted "well, it doesn't" because, unlike you, I've made it very clear that I'm giving my opinion rather than speaking in absolutes.

    I can admit that billionaires are getting more than their fair share, never having expressed otherwise here, which is also why I believe the money would largely be going from one well-padded pocket to another.

    We've both expressed our views so I won't be continuing this conversation.

  • Valve faces a £656 million lawsuit in the UK for 'overcharging 14 million PC gamers'
  • Again, I'm not defending Gaben. If you think I'm a bootlicker, you can lick my ass. As stated, I don't agree that it affects the quality of the product to the extent you're suggesting, and going "well, it does" isn't going to change my opinion.

  • Valve faces a £656 million lawsuit in the UK for 'overcharging 14 million PC gamers'
  • In fact I do think that, but it's not like I'm arguing in the interest of his bank account either; I don't see this directly affecting me, so I don't care.

  • Valve faces a £656 million lawsuit in the UK for 'overcharging 14 million PC gamers'
  • As a consumer, I don't care about this. Even if Valve's cut were lower, the prices would remain the same. I don't get a cheaper game, the publisher just gets a higher cut, so it doesn't directly benefit me.

  • Dead Dead Demon's Dededededestruction • DEAD DEAD DEMONS DEDEDEDE DESTRUCTION - Episode 2 discussion
  • I only watched until someone spoke, basically. The subtitles immediately read like they're dubtitles, so I'll just wait and see if someone makes a fansub later.

  • How do you handle family requests that you disagree with?
  • Host it exclusively to her user or don't host it at all. If you're not going to host it, you know your mother better than any of us, so you'll know which approach would work better.

  • How do you handle family requests that you disagree with?
  • It's the person's mother, and they already accepted the request. I feel like giving her a price quote is a huge jackass move.

  • Which RSS aggregator do you use? I cannot seem to find one that works for me.
  • As far as filtering your feed goes, RSS-Bridge is your best friend. Interacting with your feed can then be done through dedicated apps, both on mobile and desktop, if you prefer that to the native interface.

  • Re:Monster - Episode 5 discussion
  • I wouldn't say that's exactly it, but it is a very bland wish fulfillment type of thing. I'll make the main character the strongest guy ever, who never loses, and who gets all the girls, and nobody can outsmart him, and he's got a robot arm...

  • Alan Wake II Has yet to Recoup Development and Marketing Expenses; Tencent Raised Stakes in Remedy to 14%
  • I'm sure there are many who share that sentiment. I tend to forget games even exist if they're Epic exclusive.

  • Mette Frederiksen i opråb om hård tone på sociale medier: 'Ingen skal finde sig i det'
  • Min pointe er at når du har erfaret, at din indbakke er fuld af beskeder du ikke har lyst til at læse, så er det at gøre dig selv en bjørnetjeneste at fortsætte med at læse beskeder. Der er ingen tvang. Såfremt platformen har regler mod den type beskeder, så kan du anmelde det, men hvis ikke der kommer et tilstrækkeligt svar så er der igen ingen der tvinger dig til at benytte platformen.

  • Mette Frederiksen i opråb om hård tone på sociale medier: 'Ingen skal finde sig i det'
  • Hvis platformen har regler omkring dette, så anmeld beskederne. Hvis det drejer sig om reelle trusler, så politianmeld det. Derudover kan du undgå ubehagelige beskeder ved at lade være med at læse dem.

  • JellyBox - Music player for Jellyfin
  • Not exactly what you're asking, but I can recommend Audiobookshelf.

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