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posting 'tankie' is the new 'woke' slur on a lemmy instance..
  • I just don't get why people are downvotin' this comrade when they are clearly correct. According to the party doctrine on socialism with Chinese characteristics, China is not presently communist but is in the primary stage of socialism, aiming to develop towards full, egalitarian socialism and then on towards communism as the productive forces are modernized and the society develops further.

  • Opinions on 9x9 for beginners
  • I think people should play 9x9 and 13x13 for a while. There's less stuff to keep track of so it makes it easier to build an intuition for the game. Plus you can play more games - if a game is played many moves after someone is winning on 19x19 that probably has limited educational value, and this may happen with less experienced players as they hope for the other player to make a mistake. (Which often happens, but they may not be able to recognize it as such due to the board size.)

  • How do we combat US propaganda when it's so prevalent?
  • It's hard to say for sure without a deeper analysis and a real revolution to analyze. It depends on how much is destroyed in the course of revolution, whether the economy collapses or not, and all of that and more is basically a crapshoot. I guess it might not be strictly inevitable because of the inefficient characteristics of our current economy, so thank you for the food for thought.

  • How do we combat US propaganda when it's so prevalent?
  • They weren't as successful in the long term because they didn't successfully defend the revolution, but I'd point to Burkina Faso as an example of what becomes possible after a revolution. China also saw a meteoric rise in life expectancy during Mao's time in power and I'd consider it a success story overall.

  • How do we combat US propaganda when it's so prevalent?
  • Personally I don't believe the amount of devastation you can cause should be the measure of how well your system works. If that was the play then they should have put me in charge of cloud deployment and database administration at my last job lol

  • How do we combat US propaganda when it's so prevalent?
  • Of course there is, although the extent of it will depend on how good workers have it before the revolution. If a revolution accomplished degrowth in the US, for example, workers would have to suddenly live with a lot less than before, especially if they were in the labor aristocracy. Revolutions are also by their nature disruptive and you can expect to see disruptions in all kinds of supply chains and the food supply, and possibly some extent of purges of the old bureaucracy and reeducation of the people in order to defend the revolution from the counterrevolution. After some time this evens out and typically the one famine that occurred after the revolution is the last famine in that country, climate change notwithstanding. And not too long after a successful revolution depending on conditions workers will have better access to things they actually need like housing, food, healthcare, steady employment, public health, education, ability to live if disabled, and public transit at the possible cost of luxury goods, amenities, and little treats.

  • How do we combat US propaganda when it's so prevalent?
  • The main reason why I'm so vehemently against the Uyghur genocide narrative is that it's plainly meant to turn the people of the US against China in preparation for a war. You're telling me that the country responsible for a million+ dead Muslim civilians in Iraq gives half a shit about Muslims in China? C'mon. That's obviously bullshit and there must be some other reason why we're going on about it.

    Looking into it more the reasons are to destabilize the region to impede the Belt and Road Initiative and to prepare for war with China. I just don't think the US should be involved in the region, full stop, and therefore I am opposed to the US narrative on happenings in Xinjiang. There's no need for overanalysis or splitting hairs on the definition of genocide here.

    In every case when a state is saying something you must ask, why are they saying that?

    As for use of force against civilian protestors: If these protestors are foreign agents of the US, they should of course be cracked down on so long as doing so doesn't grow popular support for the movement. The US and the "international community" commits acts of color revolution and sabotage at every opportunity and socialist states must defend themselves against these acts or face collapse. Genuine protests with the will of the common people behind them should be listened to and taken into account in policymaking.

  • How do we combat US propaganda when it's so prevalent?
  • Whether authoritarianism is bad or good depends primarily on the result. An authority that focuses on serving the people, building infrastructure, and putting food in people's stomachs is very different from an authority that focuses on scapegoating the people.

  • Don’t Confuse Landback with Balkanization

    Atrocity propaganda makes use of Landback as a tool to increase support for US imperialism toward its enemies, and also to distract from the atrocities we suffer every day under capitalism.

    Saw this on Twitter. It's mostly a good overview of the geopolitical forces around the Xinjiang situation and the folks egging it on in the US. The only thing I'd add is that Xinjiang is critical to land routes for the Belt and Road Initiative. Those railroads need to go through Xinjiang to get to Europe which is another reason why the US is so keen to destabilize the region.

    InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (

    Bob's Guns is an excellent track by Ludique.


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