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NASA Selects SpaceX to develop the International Space Station US Deorbit Vehicle
  • Would be cool if they instead pushed it up into a cemetery orbit and in the future turned it into a museum.

  • I'm getting old
  • It's funny/weird that Dune is much more "more fantasy than sci-fi" than Star Wars, but somehow it's still considered one of the greatest sci-fi stories of all times.

  • Paradox shutter studio Tectonic and cancel troubled Sims competitor Life By You
  • Shame that there hasn't been any decent The Sims-like game since The Sims 3.

  • Dance Dance Revolution
  • Brazil might have a lot of problems, but one thing I think our law gets right is treating voting not as a right, but as a duty, you don't get to choose not to vote.

  • Let's Fix Villages At Their Source
  • One idea I have (but no ability to mod it in) would be:
    to generate some kind of voronoy grid;
    find the average height of each cell;
    discard those too different from their neighbors;
    flatten the terrain in each cell to its average;
    connect some centers with paths;
    add buildings.

  • Grandma’s church says Trump is all of us. She liked and shared. #LIBSinPRISON
  • He's certainly AN Antichrist. Specially because "anti-" can also mean "in place of". He is both the opposite of what Christ represents and is replacing Him.

  • Mandela effect?
  • Also "verde" in Portuguese, but red is "vermelho"

  • Stare at it.
  • Once, the answer to a problem that was stumping me came while driving in the middle of nowhere at 01:00am back from a weekend trip.

  • The year is 2050 [Shen Comix]
  • Fun fact: the largest Japanese population outside of Japan is in Brazil.

  • The Current State of Affairs
  • Don't want the right-wing republicans nor the right-wing democrats? Vote for the right-wing libertarians!

    (Not USian)

  • Bees v Wasps
  • Well, you chose the boring bees. The Meliponini stingless bees have much cooler names.

  • Skrillex
  • @Mouselemming
    I think for the extreme cases when it becomes hemorrhagic.

    Thankfully, it's uncommon. But it's more likely if one has gotten it before.

  • Skrillex
  • @Toes
    Main symptoms are joint pain, pain behind the eyes, weakness (I felt couldn't hold myself up out of bed for more than 15min), and more dangerously a large drop in the number of blood platelets (mine got to half the healthy expected minimum), for some people it becomes hemorrhagic.

  • Skrillex
  • I got dengue this year.

    A week of pain and extreme weakness.

    Don't recommend.

  • EU’s far-right parties expel Germany’s AfD from their group
  • The only good thing about the far-right is that it's always eventually autophagic.

  • Lefty Nemesis
  • There's a reason for the "joke": if you put 3 leftists in a room out comes 5 political parties.

  • Stock Buybacks
  • Is this a reference to WH40k? I'm not well versed in its lore.

  • Stock Buybacks
  • "Change" is the natural state, and not all changes are "progress".
    Conservative used to be "want to take things slow to see which changes are good and which are bad".
    Stagnatives and Retrogrades should be separate categories.

  • Wtf did I just read
  • My understanding as a layperson: probably stuff is probably around here somewhere, probably.

  • blaue_Fledermaus blaue_Fledermaus

    Software Developer from a germanic region in south Brazil. I may occasionally post about #software, #dotnet, #theology, #christianity

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