How is Christianity dominant if an Antichrist is president?
Personally I prefer it starting on Sunday, but also here with Portuguese being the main language it only makes sense to start on Sunday, Monday to Friday are called second-fair, third-fair, fourth-fair, fifth-fair, and sixth-fair. Fair as in either market or festival.
trump is an Antichrist, please target him
Hello from Mastodon.
All of these "talk" ActivityPub so Pixelfed should already integrate in some form with Lemmy.
I will never not complain about bugs that obviously someone put in the effort to do the wrong thing when the correct would have been easier.
I usually only use the terminal when I don't find an alternative, but powershell usually feels a bit saner than bash.
I've also tried nushell, also nice, but in a few situations powershell despite usually being verbose was more "elegant".
I'm glad powershell is cross-platform nowadays. It's a bit saner.
Better would be to leave the 1970s and never interact with a terminal again...
For the "present" of the rest of the universe it is just empty space, the Solar System is in a bubble of spacetime completely disconnected from the rest and continuously shifted 15 minutes.
It is a plot point in the sci-fi series Perry Rhodan, where they push the whole solar system 15 minutes into the future (iirc) to hide it from the rest of the universe.
What I know is that in medieval times gender roles were much more flexible and "undefined", and it was Enlightenment that pushed for strict categorization and definition of these things.
If you are thinking about that letter from Paul, I won't claim to know for sure, but it might have been a prohibition in a specific situation, as it's a personal letter, and in another Paul highly praises many female leaderships in church.
That's what I meant.
And it became much worse after the justification of enlightened "reason".
The Protestant Reformation is an odd case in that while Martin Luther may have been misogynist, it succeeded because there were a number of very strong female leaderships (specially his wife). These women were only pushed to the sidelines when the cultural Enlightenment pushed the church into a congealed orthodoxy.
It's exactly about those that I'm talking about.
I'll just partially disagree on the phrasing of "religious beliefs like racism and misogyny". Yes, there was misogyny in the Church, but it was not so strong before. And racism was "invented" and retroactively connected afterwards.
It's what I learned in school and through my life, but I don't have sources on that.
The Enlightenment and Positivist narrative is problematic, even before there was Capitalism.
Many things that are blamed on previous times are actually products of the "enlightenment", later like Capitalism may as well.
"Now that we don't live in the darkness of superstition anymore and are enlightened by reason, we now know that a woman's place is in the kitchen, and black people's place is serving the white, until they are enlightened as well".
As a theology nerd:
All the parts that show that The Path of Christ is sacrificing oneself for the freedom of the "lesser".
Which I'd say is most of the Bible, much of the early Fathers' writings, a lot from Martin Luther (I know he also has some really evil stuff, leave those out), most of Bonhoeffer's, a lot of C. S. Lewis, and certainly a lot more im forgetting.
Unpopular opinion: it's not the 1970s, if you begin with terminal/command line you already failed.
Day After Tomorrow?
Brazil certainly should be broken down by state, I imagine the USA as well.
My state in south Brazil has VERY strict controls on animals entering the state so we can use less antibiotics and other stuff.
Hopefully I'm wrong, but that's what I learned of the world. If I'm being disingenuous it's not intentional.
Search images of "favela", tens of millions of Brazilians live in those, and Brazil is one of the "developing" countries; most countries are poorer.
A curiosity: despite the common interpretation, the intended meaning of the original painting if there was any, is unknown. It was found on a wall of his house after his death.
Why? The 12 days of Christmas go until January 5-6 😉

Software Developer from a germanic region in south Brazil.
I may occasionally post about #software, #dotnet, #csharp, #fsharp, #politics, #theology, #christianity
Politically leaning towards #ChristianAnarchism
ora et labora