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Monero Chan Strikes Again!
  • Yeah that.

    He was a shitcoin influencer who feel from fame after shilling ftx and other crap.

  • Monero Chan Strikes Again!

    No federal privacy law? After the 23andMe hack, it's time to take action
  • 2fa is a pain in the ass - especially for opsec if they require a mobile number or similar.

    the onus is fully on the account holder to set and remember a password (a la private keys - you do use monero right?)

    though having your genetic code hacked is pretty 2023 vibes

  • YouTube's anti-adblock rollout has finally arrived for Firefox users
  • is unstoppable. unshackle yourself from the g**gle gulag

  • *Permanently Deleted*

    "The White House is leading efforts for a new authentication system that would have users prove their identity with a single ID across the Web. And states are starting to pilot the system."

    April 23, 2014

    "The DCF says the technology is saving so much money because it saves staff the time of verifying identities manually, and even better, there’s been a reduction in cases of identity fraud." ---- "the technology is saving >>so much<< money "

    “If you can’t create a method to ensure a person is who they say they are, then you really can’t secure bank accounts, identities, anything that’s done on the Web,” --- Monero fixes this

  • *Permanently Deleted*
  • welcome to

    if you're not using 4 vpns, 2 tor exit nodes, 3 layers of pgp, a mexican burner phone paid for by taiwanese gift cards you're not doing it right

    plus this message will selfdestruct in 30 seconds

  • PoS hAs LoWeR bArRiErS tO eNtRy --> >$50k stake vs old phone/raspi
  • "Proof-of-Stake is ... less battle tested" Maybe it needs a testin'!

  • Jonathan Frakes on Directing Next Generation, Lower Decks
  • This series deserves to be sent off.

  • Pirating AI models
  • yes LLaMA got leaked and has opened up a tool for the people. I see the project openLLaMA making headway in putting out a chatbot 'for the people' as opposed to the centralised control. don't confuse it with LLaMA 2, a confab between mta and mcrosoft which is 'open source' but you have to let them have all of your data. seems to be an effort at damage control and to try and still harvest some of the data that people are shovelling into machine learning programs these days. I personally don't think they're great at all, far from intelligent and I think they're going to be bad for humanity down the line. but pandora's box is open so we might as well democratise by at least breaking the corporate chokehold on A"I".

  • Our first takedown and our move to
  • There is now a perk for donating, a custom emoji. Just wondering regarding custom emojis. have the lemmy team patched the vulnerability?

    (see: )

  • Hows the current mining landscape?
  • For me, I'm mining at a loss on a small scale. Even though I'd love to get a proper rig set up, the price of hardware is too high to ever get an ROI worth investing in - that is compared to simply buying the XMR. So I'll continue putting XMRig on any device that can run it, and have old laptops ticking away just to support the network in a small way. Would still be interested in updates on your rig, and if XMR moons, I'll put it right back into a mining rig! Sidenoet, it's possibly worth cross-linking this community to r/moneromining as there's an active community there. Useful to have up to date info on pools, difficulty, rigs etc.

  • blake Blake

    A sign of the times

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