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  • Literally yeah though that's it

  • "I'm on the phone!!"
  • I just made the dial up noise my ringtone, it's hilarious

  • I really want to like Lemmy
  • I mean, you're being realistic, and nobody can fault you for that. The jank is going to be too much for some people, they'll come here maybe but won't stick around. Other people will come and think that the positive aspects are more important than the negative ones and they'll migrate.

    I'm a FOSS nerd and advertising makes me physically sick, so I'm more than willing to put up with the frustrating things about Lemmy.

    My one advice is, if you want to see more content then post it.

  • What Happened to What Happens if an Instance Disappears?
  • I think that handling federation by domain name is, in a word, whack.

    It should be verified by GPG keys instead and be domain/IP agnostic.

  • Firefox outperforms Chrome in speed for the first time according to a Speedometer assessment
  • This is huge. I'm actually starting to get optimistic about the future of the internet.

  • Help with Port Forwarding (I think)
  • Sweet sounds like I've got some reading to do, thanks!

  • Help with Port Forwarding (I think)

    Hey guys, it's me, Bizzle. I'm a tech hobbyist, but I think I'm a little out of my element here and I'm hoping you can help.

    I have a ProxMox server at home, part of it is running Lemmy. I want to make the rest of it run NextCloud. I have a domain name, but I only have one IP address. Therefore, points to my house and I forward the port from the VM running Lemmy.

    What I want is for to point to a different VM, on my home network. But I don't know how to set that up.

    Thanks in advance, Bizzle

    Fuck nvidia.
  • I upgraded to a 6700xt from my 1660 and AMD has absolutely no problems in my system. It's amazing.

  • Will dessicant actively dry wet filament?
  • I used to dry shrooms in a tote with a bucket of damp rid, it's not exactly the same but they get dry real fast. I suppose it would work for filament, too.

  • PSA: Maybe don't buy these shitty extruders
  • I have Voxelab Aquila and just got the Creality Direct Drive Extruder, tell ya what it's pretty nice

  • Figma Is A File Editor
  • Figma balls lmfao gottem

    ...I'm so sorry.

  • What are your thoughts on Wren, a for-profit company allegedly acting like a non-profit?
  • Ive used Bronner's exclusively for years, even brush my teeth with it. It's amazing. But it's soap, not detergent, so it's probably different than what you're used to. When I wash my clothes with it, for instance, I run a quarter cup of vinegar in the fabric softener spot to eliminate the soap residue.

    If you were I, I'd keep giving to the Conservation Fund. But I'm also going to watch this thread, maybe we'll both be surprised.

  • What are your thoughts on Wren, a for-profit company allegedly acting like a non-profit?
  • Only time will tell, of course, but I can think of very few times this has happened- my one example being Dr Bronner's Soap Company, and if I'm wrong about that please tell me so I can stop using it as an example. Most of the time, chasing profits leads to ultimately sacrificing the very people who's backs you built your business on at the altar of the Almighty Dollar. I hope I'm wrong about Wren but for some reason I doubt it.

  • Tolerance problems

    Are you there, weed heads? It's me, Bizzle.

    I'm a medical patient on account of my leg, so I'm pretty much always smoking. But my tolerance is high as fuck! I need to smoke all day or it hurts super bad. What can I do to help manage my tolerance? I'm smoking like 8 joints a day.

    Are you replacing Reddit with Lenny?
  • All and Popular have been trash for a long time in fairness

  • Are you replacing Reddit with Lenny?
  • I went all in on Lemmy and honestly am having a better time than I did on Reddit.

  • What's everybody's favorite way to toke?
  • I'd never heard of that, just looked it up and it looks pretty sick. I have a Pax 3 that's fine but that looks a lot better 🤔

  • Opinion | Nothing about Moms for Liberty is new. That’s why they’re effective.
  • I've noticed that many of these right wing extremists really like the idea of "liberty" without actually knowing what it is or actually supporting it at all for anyone other than the mega-wealthy. They're legislating their own rights away. I blame 24 hour news.

  • What's everybody's favorite way to toke?
  • I play my music on the run.

  • What's everybody's favorite way to toke?

    Personally, I don't love anything as much as I love joints. A joint is the most wonderful thing in the world. Pure bliss from beginning to end, everything from breaking down the weed to twisting it and finally getting that first lungful... fuck I love joints. Anyway what about y'all?

    bizzle Bizzle

    Organic medical marijuana farmer. Sci-fi enthusiast.

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    Comments 27