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How can I get my engineers to accept being on call?
  • we had following agreement at my last employer (small team of system engineers, agreement was implemented while I was already working there): 600.- per week you where on call. if you got a call, it was just like working overtime. if you needed to call a coworker, who was not on call, he would get a financal compensation. those who didn’t want to be on call, didn’t need to be. but it was quite chill. I don’t think I ever had a call :P

    but you needed to be prepared. if I left home, I did so always with my notebook with me. I couldn’t to what I want during that week, just in case …

    not compensating your employees at all for their loss in personal free time is just a real duche CTO move.

  • I love the linux community, never change
  • ah yes. I too use Linux Mine

  • YT Tech Channel Recommendations
  • Some of my favorites (that I have not seen listed here yet)

    • Snazzy Labs
    • TechAltar
    • The Friday Checkout (alternative to Techlinked)
  • They will never ask again
  • „how much does he weight? ah, I see“ checking notes „yeah, that aint enough for my recipe. thanks anyway“

  • ich🤡iel
  • nächster Geniestreich: lasmich zu Y rebranden

  • 🅱️💯
  • zum einen ja, zum anderen schürt er den Hate absichtlich um seine Reichweite, Clicks, Streams, … zu erhöhen. er hätte jederzeit die Möglichkeit sich zurückzuziehen und innerhalb von wenigen Monaten wäre der ganze Spuk vorbei. will er aber nicht. deswegen (und auch wie er mit Frauen / Mitmenschen allgemein umgeht) hält sich mein Mitleid in Grenzen.

  • [ COMMUNITY ] - c/Plex Saturday Share-Your-Build Post - 2023-07-22
  • Storage: Synology NAS DS418play 16TB

    Server: Ubuntu Server running on an old MacBook Pro (Intel Core i5-8259U) with removed display (because broken). Plex, Tautulli and lot of other stuff running as Docker containers. not the most stable, but it was basically free and capable even for transcoding.

    Clients: 1 Apple TV, 2 iPhones, 2 iPads

    Library Size: probably small-medium | 613 Movies | 84 Shows (4107 Episodes)

  • SpaceX's Starlink internet satellites 'leak' so much radiation that it's hurting radio astronomy, scientists say
  • to connect all moon based equipment, we could build a network transmitted by satalites orbiting the moon!

  • Extremely satisfying use of trunking/conduit in this coffee shop in Gothenburg, Sweden.
  • I like how these lights are so bad, they need lights to light them up.

  • Yoshi Rule
  • Toad! fast > strong

  • bitKraken bitKraken
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