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Definitive answer for silk touch?
  • If you find a villager with no job. Trap it. Place a lectern next to it. It becomes a librarian. Check what it sells. Silk touch? Nope. Break the lectern, the villager reverts to not a librarian. Villagers only keep their jobs if you have bought something from them. Replace the lectern, check (it now has new items for sale), break, rinse and repeat. Once you find it, buy it and the librarian will be locked to always sell it.

    Only downside is you need emeralds. But on the upside, you get infinite silk touch.

  • Someone fixed this Liberal meme
  • Its liberal in the sense of "we don't like Kamala's stance either, but the alternative has said he would "finish the job" in Palestine and is also anti LGBT, so if you dislike kamala purely about Palestine you should REALLY dislike the opponent and actively seek to prevent that from ever happening"

  • stone found at the beach of croatia
  • I get conventional mail marked up like it is from the manufacturer claiming my warranty is expiring.

    With the added fun bonus that all the things they claim to cover are engine related, and my car is an EV with no engine.

  • Moon superiority
  • I would hope the whole thing is a joke in general.

    "The sun gives us light when it's 'already' bright" is where the real logic breaks down. "I don't need <thing> because I already have <benefit from thing>" is circular logic.

    So of course we wouldn't have sunlight at night without the sun. but we also wouldn't have sunlight at night without the moon.

    Whether we want to call it "more useful" than the sun... it is just as useful as the sun at night. We need both of them for the system to work. I was just trying to snarkily emphasize that we shouldn't downplay the moon because it is "just" reflecting sunlight.

  • Land of the not land of the home of the not home of…
  • A typo is when you slip up and type/get something wrong because you're moving too fast to pay attention.

    Spelling a word wrong because you don't know how to spell it isn't a typo. This person doesn't strike me as an intellectual that knows complex spellings like "afraid"

  • Ex-Porn Shop Staff Say Mark Robinson [Republican candidate for governor of North Carolina] Was A Regular. He Denies It.
  • I know nothing about this specific person. But the American Republican party is on a bit of a hypocritical purity crusade. They claim that porn is bad. They are the ones getting all worked up about other peoples sexual life, because it somehow affects the sanctity of their marriage.

    So this article is pointing out his hypocrisy. He is doing something wrong by his own standards, so what room does he have to try to make laws about his stupid beliefs when he doesn't even follow them himself.

  • The Elder Scrolls Online now “officially” playable on the Steam Deck
  • Wine/proton are great but not perfect. Lots of games don't work through proton. "Compatible with linux" can mean doing the work to make sure your windows build is proton friendly and will work on Linux. It doesn't have to mean Linux native.

  • Framework 2880 x 1920 (new) display review
  • "This hardware works fine and even has compatible software that it works great with. But I'm going to prefer the broken software for other reasons. And that means it's the hardware's fault."

    Software that is built to be compatible with a wide variety of hardware should be compatible with a wide variety of hardware.

    If software can't handle a 16.5:16 aspect ratio, then that's bad software. I don't care how weird of a niche thing that is... just make your software abstract enough to handle those cases.

    It's 2024, any resolution/aspect ratio/DPI combo should be supportable. There's enough variety of monitors out there that we should have a solution for handling things on the fly without needing to have a predefined solution.

  • How do you realistically build your own OS with Arch Linux?
  • The archinstall script has a list of "profiles" that you can select from (custom, desktop, minimal, server, tailored, xorg).. And if you select "desktop" it will prompt you which DE or WM you want to install. (awesome, bspwm, budgie, cinnamon, cosmic, cutiefish, deepin, enlightment, gnome, hyprland, i3, lxqt, mate, plasma, qtile, sway, xfce4).

    By the time you're done with the archinstall script, you basically have a fully functioning arch (ive never used the script seriously, so I have no idea what all remains not set up doing this).

    The main difference between Arch and Ubuntu in this regard, is that if you want to run KDE Plasma, you download the common Arch ISO, and select Plasma at installation time. Compared to Ubuntu where you would download the "Kubuntu" spin, so you are selecting Plasma when you acquire the ISO in the first place.

    There is no "default" arch DE, so when you install Arch, there is a lot of decisions to make (and you may not know how to make those decisions if its your first distro), whereas Ubuntu makes a lot of decisions for you, so you have to answer no questions to get set up (but you may be set up in a way you weren't expecting). In this regard, Arch really does just feel like building a PC from parts, you just have to pick all the parts. Ubuntu is more like buying a pre-built.

  • Question about 115 UI regressions

    Maybe this is just a me problem, and I can't find the settings. Or maybe these are things they changed in 115 and made it worse?

    Collapsing threads. If I collapse everything thread, click to a different folder and then click back, every thread is expanded. I would vastly prefer "every thread is collapsed", or "we remember where things were". I never even noticed what it was on 102, but it wasn't "always expand everything"

    Tab bar positioning. In 102 (and I could swear in some 115 screenshots Ive seen) the tab bar was at the very top. In 115, the tab bar is below the "Get Messages, Write, Address Book, etc" + search toolbar. The old way was so much better. It feels weird to have things ABOVE the tab bar change when i select a tab. thats the point of tabs, things are supposed to be contained "within" the tab.

    Both of these are from their own documentation:

    Old good: !

    New busted:


    Are there settings for either of these changes, or is 115 just a downgrade for me and I should stick to 102?

    InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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