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The biggest dam in the Indian state of Sikkim, generating 1,200 MW of power (roughly the same as the Hoover dam) was washed away in 10 minutes after flash flood
  • I get hindi and english newspapers at my home and the hindi one says cloudburst and the English one gives three possible theories;

    1. Heavy rain
    2. Landslide/Avalanche
    3. Earthquake that occurred on Tuesday
  • Australian hits different
  • In hindi we call it "old lady hair"

  • So long... I'll not be returning
  • To satisfy you:

  • So long... I'll not be returning
  • Well, you see my parents and grandparents don't understand the concept of ads fully, especially in case of YouTube Shorts. After a few instances of them sharing the ads, thinking they were regular content, i just got the family plan.

  • It's time to let go, Apache Software Foundation
  • For some reason they just don't want to give up.

    A lot of places still use it, they don't know about LibreOffice. They also don't understand that it's not being updated.

  • Android: Obectively Better
  • Sorry, should've read them.

    For future reference, can I copy paste all content and reference link to my site at the bottom of post, or just the content itself?

  • Android: Obectively Better
  • I know.

    Put it this way: I try to be objective, but at the end of the day I am some what subjective.

  • Any Successes in Getting SD running on a Rolling Release Distro?
  • I think you are misunderstanding something, you don't need a rocm kernel. What you need is the rocm-opencl-runtime.

    This video is a year old, but should be enough to get you started:

  • Any Successes in Getting SD running on a Rolling Release Distro?
  • You can get it to work on arch, rocm is in the repos.

    I suggest you use a container if you proceed though.

  • Are We Ready For This Site's Endless Feed of AI-Generated Porn?
  • Some models also prefer children for some reason and then you have to put mature/adult in positive prompt and child in negative

  • Torture, rape, killings in Manipur: An Indian state's brutal conflict
  • At least check what the conflict is about...

    While I personally don't like the BJP and they are at fault to some extent, this conflict has nothing to do with Hindu nationalists. This is about ethnic groups, people from different religions can belong to same ethnic group.

    There had been rising tension between the two communities for the past few years, which sparked into a full grown conflict when the High Court of the state ordered the state government to make a decision regarding the reservation status of the majority community.

    The state government didn't end up making a decision in the given timeframe, but both communities were up in arms about it, the majority community in favour and the minority community against it, this resulted in small skirmishes followed by a full on conflict.

  • The Maintainer Of The NVIDIA Open-Source "Nouveau" Linux Kernel Driver Resigns
  • AMD is getting better for ML/scientific computing very fast for the regular consumer GPUs. I have seen the pytorch performance more than double on my 6700xt in 6 months to the point that it has better performance than a 3060(not ti).

  • DeepMind’s cofounder: Generative AI is just a phase. What’s next is interactive AI.
  • Please no, this is incredibly dangerous. They didn't stop at giving people AI which gave developers incredibly untrusted and deceptive code. Now they want to run this code without oversight.

    People are going to be rm -rf /* by the AI and will only then understand how stupid of an idea this is.

  • Benchmarking Stable Diffusion on my AMD GPU
  • While i didn't benchmark previously, I remember quite vividly the speeds were much slower 7-8 months ago.

  • Benchmarking Stable Diffusion on my AMD GPU

    Motivation I have been using stable diffusion since it released qutie regularly and last few months I have seen massive improvement on my AMD GPU, both in terms of performance and size of images that I can generate locally. The tom’s Hardware Benchmark for stable diffusion has pretty much become a o...

    Benchmarking Stable Diffusion on my AMD GPU
    How do you keep your home servers online during powercuts?
  • If going for an inverter try a sin wave one if it's in your budget.

  • The Inventor Behind a Rush of AI Copyright Suits Is Trying to Show His Bot Is Sentient
  • This plus any LLM model is incapable of critical thinking. It can imitate it to the point where people might think it's able to, but that's just because it has seen the answers to the problems people are asking during the training process.

  • India's government replaces 'India' with ancient name 'Bharat' in dinner invitation to G20 guests
  • I'll just drop this here. The whole thing is pretty dumb. They probably did this cause the opposition parties fromed an alliance called the INDIA Alliance.

  • Democracy threatened by democratically elected leaders
  • I think you don't understand how indian political system work. In India the Prime minister is elected by the people and has a similar position to the President of United States.

    Modi's party got majority seats in the previous election.

    The President of India is more of a ceremonial role. It is one of the duties of the President to appoint the Prime minister. In this scenario the President really doesn't have a choice.

  • New Delhi got a makeover for the G20 summit. The city's poor say they were simply erased
  • Uhm, what? Dwarka's societies don't really have a land encroachment issue. Most of them were built by DDA and other cooperative housing societies. There are other posh areas where land encroachment is an issue but Dwarka's societies aren't one of them.

    Government land doesn't mean, you can just show up and build your house there .For example there has been land which was under ASI, which is land under various monuments. There are many monuments whose land is encroached by both the poor and rich. Both are wrong, be they rich/poor, when removing such encroachment it has been fair for the most part (The only really bad cases which come to my mind are, high level government officials just having big mansions built there). This is the case for forest land as well as land coming under various departments of the government.

    Many a times the land has been left there for a reason, for future development, parks, forest land, etc. Land encroachment causes a lot of issues. Also being homeless doesn't mean they can just build a house wherever they please. You would not be okay if someone one day just shows up and builds a house on the road right in front of your house.

    It is known to the people who are building their homes and livelihoods that what they are doing is illegal and there way of life can be destroyed any day, because what they are doing is illegal. The Government for a really long time had been understanding of their situation and just let them be, providing them with basic services on the encroached land. This doesn't mean that they are right, it just means that they have their house another day.

    Also, it isn't technically correct to call these people homeless, most of them are migrant workers that came here to find better work opportunities. they found work and decided it was better to stay on unauthorized land nearby than to find legal housing which may be further away from their work. Rent in these shanties is pretty similar to legally available housing.

  • beigeoat oats
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