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Biden administration is sending $1 billion more in weapons, ammo to Israel, congressional aides say
  • Why should we believe that a more equitable voting system would solve this issue? Or any similar issues?

    To be sure, ranked choice voting would result in some improvements to the United States, and should be supported on that basis. But it would do nothing to modify the current structure wherein oligarchs rule the United States with impunity. It's just that this would empower the neoliberal Democratic oligarchs rather than the fascist Republican oligarchs. Which is harm reduction and is therefore preferable, but is not a meaningful solution - especially to something as entrenched as Zionism

  • nuanceposting rule
  • Muslims need to sack up and realize there's a lot of Muslims out there that are creepy. It's up to you as a stand up Muslim to call these creepy Muslims out when they act up. Normal people don't owe you anything, you stand up for them because it's the right thing to do, and not because you want acceptance.

  • Either ya understand why most women pick the 🐻 or you are the 🐻.
  • The superstructure of society encourages dehumanization of black and brown and "foreign" men because they are seen as dangerous violent animals. This is a centuries old rhetorical ploy by the ruling class to subordinate the masses through fear. This meme contributes to and furthers such ideology

    Did a single individual anti Semitic poster in 1934 Germany cause Dachau? Of course not. But that single individual poster was one of millions of contributing factors that caused the conditions that allowed for the Holocaust

    We should recognize and denounce such hatred when we see it

  • Either ya understand why most women pick the 🐻 or you are the 🐻.
  • No one can prove who created this meme - at least as far as I'm aware.

    However, after it was created, it certainly has been boosted and magnified by right wing organizations and intelligence operations to cause the working class to turn on itself and dehumanize one another. Which is always what fascism does to distract from oligarchic wealth and societal decay.

    This meme is evil. It isn't funny or cute. It's intentionally cancerous and we need to stop spreading such hate.

    Because it isn't white men in wealthy suburban communities who will suffer from this. Rather, it will be the black, brown, and migrant men who are already dehumanized and seen as superpredators.

    After all, why was it so wrong for the police to murder George Floyd - he was more dangerous than a bear and (white) women were afraid of him. Given that, it seems that those hero cops acted in accordance with our society's values, doesn't it? Or, if we reject that notion, then we must also reject "memes" like this that further the dehumanization that leads to his murder

  • Either ya understand why most women pick the 🐻 or you are the 🐻.
  • Hm I wonder if any right wing political parties have ever done this to dehumanize outgroups and promote fascism? 🤔

    I wonder if anyone who is Muslim, Black, or Jewish has any thoughts on this history of such dehumanization and inaccurate perceptions 🤔

  • Either ya understand why most women pick the 🐻 or you are the 🐻.
  • Consider what you just said about bears.

    Now consider that any Evangelical Christian you tell that to is still likely to pick the bear than the strange Muslim who spouts statistics about bear attacks in order to be picked to spend time alone with her in the airport.

    This discussion isn’t about statistics. The fact that an Evangelical Christian can tell you directly what she wants, and you can tell her she’s wrong because of xyz, is why it will always and forever be the bear.

    The point is that women can also be bigots - including sexists. It's benevolent misogyny to presume that they're too weak and naive to do so

  • Either ya understand why most women pick the 🐻 or you are the 🐻.
  • All men have a race and a national origin. When we dehumanize men and say that a vicious animal is safer than them, we are normalizing dehumanization and violence. Which, in the United States, will eventually lead to violence against men who are disproportionately black, brown, Muslim, and foreign born.

    Which is partially why black men are murdered at such high rates - they aren't seen as "people", they're seen as superpredators. And is also why it is easy to turn away refugees at the border - because they're all soldiers in a migrant caravan coming to kill us. And is why Israel can claim they killed a dangerous Hamas terrorist when, in reality, all they did was murder a 12 year old boy.

    When men are seen as inherently harmful and women are seen as inherently harmless, dehumanization and prejudicial violence occurs. This meme was astroturfed by right wing organizations to help accomplish that goal. We should reject it.

  • Liberal icon Bernie Sanders is running for Senate reelection, squelching retirement rumors
  • Vermont, at worst, will elect a moderate Democrat. And likely will elect someone similar to him as a replacement. Things can't really get very messed up by his untimely demise

    Which is the opposite of how things were with RBG

  • Projection at Cal Berkeley
  • Cyberpunk is definitely bigger than steampunk.

    Aging tattooed millenials with handlebar mustaches who ride unicycles to stomp/clap/shout indie folk concerts within microbrewery basements notwithstanding

  • Either ya understand why most women pick the 🐻 or you are the 🐻.
  • Have you been paying attention for the last 8 years?

    To all the men of color who keep getting disproportionately murdered and seen as superpredators? To all the white women who cross the street everytime they see a black man? To all the white mothers who refuse to send their kids to the public school because it's too """dangerous"""?

    Yes I have noticed that.

  • Either ya understand why most women pick the 🐻 or you are the 🐻.
  • Race is already part of it. When you dehumanize men you make it easier for cops to kill black men, and for Fox News to scare monger about men in migrant caravans, and for Israel to murder male children and claim they are Hamas terrorists.

    Men are not weapons or superpredators. They are human beings. And this dehumanizing rhetoric furthers the goals of conservative and fascist actors - and will disproportionately harm men of color and immigrant men

  • Ladies if all the men of the world disappeared for 24 hours, they are fine they will come back, BUT during those 24 hours what are YOU doing?
  • The UK is one of the most xenophobic western countries. And left the EU largely because your white boomers are so terrified of brown migrants that they destroyed their own economic future to get away from them. Similar to Americans voting for trump out of fear of Mexicans and migrant caravans.

  • Ladies if all the men of the world disappeared for 24 hours, they are fine they will come back, BUT during those 24 hours what are YOU doing?
  • The UK does not have a good history on race. Or on welcoming immigrants. Hence Brexit. And, also, the entirety of the British Empire.

    The human brain has an ability to understand implicit narratives without a thing needing to be explicitly stated. If you ask a person to imagine a dangerous and strange man, I very much doubt that most Western people are honestly going to imagine a man that is white. Which is what this question is actually all about

  • InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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