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abandonware empires
  • The US (and all of their allies) are in favor of wealth redistribution to the ultra-wealthy, so predatory practices like this will never be stopped unless there is a sufficiently organized and pissed off mass movement calling for it. Researchers are a tiny group, so it won't happen.

  • Collective Punishment is a War Crime, OHCHR Warns Israel
  • I wouldn't be so confident. This will never stick in people's memories; the talking points will change and everyone will be back to being good patriots. Iraq, Vietnam, etc should have been clear enough (for Americans at least), but it's all long forgotten.

  • Johnson: We're Not A Democracy, We're A "Biblical" Republic And Separation Of Church And State Isn't Real
  • But can anyone ELI5 how you all ended up in this state

    First off, the US government has always been full of absolute ghouls and clowns. That said, the well-being of the typical american has been on a downward trend for a while, and people are seeking radical change. This isn't really new, Obama ran on change in 2008 (and then governed like a Republican, alienating voters), and Trump obviously did the same, though in a more unhinged clownish way in 2016. Biden only won a (very narrow) victory in 2020 because Trump was so openly disgusting, helped by mishandling of COVID being an obvious giant talking point.

    how you get back out?

    The various alphabet agencies, national guard, and police forces have to be purged and reformed at all levels nationwide, then various actions (political arrests and blackmail, mostly) taken that effectively decapitate and dismantle the republican party while being subtle enough that they don't cause armed rebellion. This would require the dems to be ideologically opposed to fascism, which they aren't (see their support for Israel as one easy example).

    What’s the impact of this individual being Speaker?

    Nothing too special, the government probably gets shut down at some point when they try to hold funding hostage, but at the end of the day business as usual (which is, to be clear, very bad) continues apace.

  • Chainsaw Man Chapter 146 - It's Happening

    Hasn't been one of these in a while.


    Really gotta wonder why they were lying about the fire devil being the justice devil if public safety has the devil namer.

    How many chapters can Fujimoto stretch the Yoshida/Asa fight? My money's on another five.

    Why are there so many commies on fed?
  • The fediverse isn't a political organization that's going to enact change in the real world, so those concerns largely aren't relevant. Admins (and devs) generally speaking do hold a monopoly of power but that's the standard for the internet.

  • Why are there so many commies on fed?
    1. lemmy's two main developers are marxist-leninists
    2. the largest and most active instance prior to the reddit exodus was hexbear, which is a "big tent" of revolutionary leftism, featuring mostly communists and some anarchists
    3. lemmygrad, an explicitly marxist-leninist instance, is also relatively large
  • Hexbear federation megathread
  • Before I begin, let me just say that this comment is in good faith.

    All communists want to achieve a stateless, classless, moneyless society, but the key question is: how is a stateless, classless, moneyless society to be achieved? As history has shown, the instant a communist/socialist/anarchist/whathaveyou takes power, they are immediately put under brutal sanctions by the capitalist powers if not replaced in a coup or outright invaded. This would suggest that capitalist and communist societies cannot coexist, thus the achievement of a stateless, classless, moneyless society requires first the defeat or collapse of all the world's capitalist powers. In the meantime until capitalism collapses, what are the communists to do if they seize power? The answer is what has happened historically: a transitional socialist state is formed, whereby the communist party is in charge of society as a proxy for the working class, replacing the bourgeoisie. When world socialism has been achieved (or possibly when the premier world power is socialist), then a transition to communism can begin.

    There is much room for criticism of these socialist states, such as whether the party bureaucrats would ever actually follow through on the transition to communism when they have gained personal power, but the paths they have laid out are, if taken in good faith, at least plausible.

  • Hexbear federation megathread
  • Communism killed 100 million in Europe alone and 300-400 million in China. Count other parts of the world and the number easily reaches a billion.

    What's your source for this? Where did the other 500 million people die due to communism outside of the USSR and China? Did Fidel Castro kill every person in Cuba 50 times?

  • hobby barrbaric [he/him]
    Space Witch

    This zoomed, in it's pretty easy to tell that all the fabric needs more blending, but this was a nice break from the rest of my army's usual white and grey-blue color scheme. Sadly some of her fingers on the right hand snapped off in transit and I was never able to reattach them. Even so, I'm generally proud of this one.

    Base is transparent crackle paint over a blue basecoat, then drybrushed with grey->white grey->white to get an icy look.

    RIP Astropaths ever being used in 10th, Nightshroud was too funny against Custodes. Mini is Astro Witch, by Victoria Miniatures.


    hobby barrbaric [he/him]
    Space Tank

    Technically it was done a while ago, but now there's a comm for it! The hull gun on the front is magnetized and can be swapped out for a laser, and the sides are magnetized as well so I can put sponsons on if I ever get around to having some 3d printed. The turret-hull connection is just a giant circular hole so it pops off real easy and I have taken to blu-tacking it in place for transport/games.

    The actual name for the model is "Mars Alpha Leman Russ Incinerator", and I run it as an Executioner in 40k.

    Behold, the warm glowing warming glow of the turret gun (which I'm still not really happy with even after like 10 revisions): !

    The last thing space fascists see before being run over:


    InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
    barrbaric [he/him]
    Posts 3
    Comments 65