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Windows 10 and its shortage of "Never shove this screen in my face again" buttons
  • This whole rapey lingo needs to fucking die already.

    Maybe widely name-calling this practice for what it is could help steer companies away from this disgusting pattern.

    Should we start refering to pop-ups that give no option to say "no" as something like "rape-ups"?

  • OpenAI’s GPT Is a Recruiter’s Dream Tool. Tests Show There’s Racial Bias
  • "I've created this amazing program that more or less precisely mimics the response of a human to any question!"

    "What if I ask it a question where humans are well known to apply all kinds of biases? Will it give a completely unbiased answer, like some kind of paragon of virtue?"


    <Surprised Pikachu face>

  • [SOLVED] Podman won't start Pihole with an error saying that it can't bind to port 53, as it is already in use, but nothing is using port 53.
  • After checking that you can open port 53 udp yourself with, say, nc (which you tried), strace the binary that tries to open port 53 and fails, and find the system call that fails. You can compare it with an strace on nc to see how it differs.

    If this doesn't clue you in (e.g., you see two attempts to listen to the same port...) Next step would be to find in the source code where it fails (look for the error message printout) and start adding diagnostic printouts before the failing system call and compile and run your edited version.

  • Amazon clearly lying about "ownership" on Prime.
  • Especially if the media is readily available elsewhere which is always the case for movies you "bought" digitally.

    Except when they aren't. Especially if located outside the US, it is far from obvious that a given movie is available through another service.

  • Amazon clearly lying about "ownership" on Prime.
  • Refunding the sale price is still theft.

    What did you lose in this theft?

    Is there really nothing in your home right now you would be sad if someone took and just gave you the money you paid for it?

    Even a digital copy of a movie may not be so easy to replace on the services I have access to.

    Stores are not allowed to go home to people and take back the stuff they sold, even if they refund the price. Neither should a company that advertise "pay this price and own this movie" rather than "pay this price and rent it for an indeterminate time".

  • Easy Mode Is Actually for Adults
  • I really wish there were an "adult difficulty" setting to pick instead of 'easy'. I don't have hours to waste on hordes of "difficult" enemies that just slows progress and pads the playtime. Nor do I want a walking simulator where the boss just falls over with no need for anything beyond the most basic game mechanics. Give me an option to experience the story with an interesting challenge without wasting my time, dammit!

  • Zelenskyy will arrive on Capitol Hill to grim mood as Biden's aid package for Ukraine risks collapse
  • The industrial military complex is built on funding for proxy wars with Russia. I wonder if the issue this time is that they are worried that with Russia directly involved instead of by proxy, this war may end up breaking Russia if they lose. Dismantling the perpetual antagonist that motivates further funding of the war machine is not in the interest of those who make money on wars.

  • OpenAI says it is investigating reports ChatGPT has become ‘lazy’
  • This is my guess as well. They have been limiting new signups for the paid service for a long time, which must mean they are overloaded; and then it makes a lot of sense to just degrade the quality of GPT-4 so they can serve all paying users. I just wish there was a way to know the "quality level" the service is operating at.

  • OpenAI says it is investigating reports ChatGPT has become ‘lazy’
  • Was this around the time right after "custom GPTs" was introduced? I've seen posts since basically the beginning of ChatGPT claming it got stupid and thinking it was just confirmation bias. But somewhere around that point I felt a shift myself in GPT4:s ability to program; where it before found clever solutions to difficult problems, it now often struggles with basics.

  • God I wish there was an easier way to do this
  • Ackchyually-- IEEE 754 guarantees any integer with absolute value less than 2^24 to be exactly representable as a single precision float. So, the "divide by 2, check for decimals" should be safe as long as the origin of the number being checked is somewhat reasonable.

  • CMake Guidelines
  • This is a gross misunderstanding and misrepresentation of CMake.

    You lead with this, but all I see in your reply is an explanation of why it works exactly the way I described. That explanation apparently it is: "because not everyone in the ecosystem acts the way CMake developers would want them to", which I read as "CMakes design for external dependencies is broken." The fact is, where we are right now, today, the find_package/config script design in CMake frequently makes resolving external dependencies far more painful than it already is without that complication.

    That sounds like a lot of repetitive work, doesn't it? So why not provide CMake-provided scripts with the distribution?

    I believe my previous reply gives a very clearly answer: because we get stuck in a situation with multiple competing providers of 'scripts' that compete against each other and may apparently all change in backwards breaking ways between releases of CMake, releases of the library in question, and releases of package managers like vcpkg who have taken on themselves to fill in missing scripts.

    In the end, it is me who have to dig deep into someone else's mess of CMakeLists.txt:s to try to unravel the mystery of what feature identifiers they expect from that external depedency and how they expect them to work in the find_package/config script the developers happened to use at the time, so I can then go on an archaeological expedition through all possible providers of that config - including older versions of CMake itself to track it down. Multiply with the number of dependencies - which sometimes is up in the hundreds - and it should be clear why this is a horrible, horrible design of a build system.

    If we had to stay with CMake's broken design for this, at the very least it would need some form of declaration of dependency config scripts with a provider name and a semantic version. That way the problem would at least be solvable.

    However, it is more or less only CMake that has this issue in its attempt to be so 'meta' about everything. Libraries already come with a build-system independent way to specify features: they are split over several library files and software using that dependency choose which ones to link with - using file names. This works well in nearly every other build system. I don't get the motivation to try to abstract this into an interface that (for the reasons we've discussed above) introduces another intermediate dependency layer.

    If the worst point you can make about CMake is the cmake config scripts it bundles, then I'm afraid you are very opinionated over irrelevant details that are immaterial to the discussion.

    IMO the main task of a build system is to manage inter- and intradependencies to build the software correctly. So, to me, this failure is truly a fundamental strike against it. If I cannot build your software because I cannot sort out your undeclared, unversioned implicit 'config' dependencies, I don't have much use for other features your build system may or may not provide.

  • Amazon Prime Video is able to remove a video from your library after purchase.
  • What are you talking about? Amazon's digital video purchases don't require any monthly access fee. He paid £5.99 with the idea that he'll get to keep it indefinitely, just like a physical DVD. I don't get why you think it is ok for a seller to revert the sale of a digital item at any time for just the purchase price + £5 but (I presume?) not other sales?

  • CMake Guidelines
  • I really could not disagree more. CMake is a terribly designed build system.

    One of the most crucial things for a build system is to find and link dependency libraries. How does CMake do this?

    Each CMake release distributes its own set of library-specific (!) find_package modules. These change between releases, sometimes in backwards breaking ways. Providers of some of these libraries don't always like how the central CMake find_package module work, the options they provide, etc. and thus provide their own, incompatible, find_package modules. On top of this, some software package systems, e.g. vcpkg ALSO provides competing find_package modules, also incompatible and sometimes with exactly the same name. And, of course, sometimes no such module is available, and the developers of the software using the library provide their own, or just side-step the find_package system .

    The end result is a total mess that can sometimes be nearly impossible to untangle without knowing exactly what environment the developers themselves use. Furthermore, you want to build older releases? Forget that, unless you are prepared to hunt down the exact versions of cmake, vcpkg, and libraries that the developers used at that point in time to get hold of the magical combination of find_package modules that actually builds the package. This is work of far higher complexity than matching semantic version strings, which is what we typically do with other build systems.

    My impression is that the only people who like CMake are people who use it to build their own software and thus never run into this issue since it obviously works in their own environment that they've adapted the CMake build rules to. But, put someone else's complex multi-dependency CMake project in their hands and ask them to build a 4 year old version and (1) watch them give up and (2) observe them then claim those "other" CMake developers just don't know what they are doing. (When, in reality, the exact same problem applies also to their own software).

    I have many more gripes with CMake than this, but I guess this rant is already long.

  • Amazon Prime Video is able to remove a video from your library after purchase.
  • Nowhere do they use terms like "rent" or "lease". They explicitly use terms like "buy" and it's not until the fine print that the term license even comes up.

    This! It really should be illegal to present something with the phrasing "buy" unless it is provided to you via a license that prevent it from being withdrawn. To "sell" cloud hosted media without having the licensing paperwork in place for it to be a sale is fraud.

  • InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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