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2 authors say OpenAI 'ingested' their books to train ChatGPT. Now they're suing, and a 'wave' of similar court cases may follow.
  • Since any reductions to copyright, if they occur at all, will take a while to happen, I hope someone comes up with an opt-in limited term copyright. At max, I'd be satisfied with a 45-50 year limited copyright on everything I make, and could see going shorter under plenty of circumstances.

  • 2 authors say OpenAI 'ingested' their books to train ChatGPT. Now they're suing, and a 'wave' of similar court cases may follow.
  • I wish I could get through to people who fear AI copyright infringement on this point.

  • New AI tool can help treat brain tumors more quickly and accurately, study finds
  • Interesting. I've seen plenty of mentions of the potential use of AI in medicinal imaging, but not in a context where time is of the essence. That's a particularly compelling use case.

    "Still needs to be greenlit by the FDA" - has anyone read a discussion of how the FDA is handing AI medical applications? Considering how overwrought the approval procedure can be for more mundane medical technologies, I have little hope that the process is going to be efficient and effective.

  • Aspartame a possible carcinogen, WHO cancer research agency expected to say
  • There are circumstances where the precautionary principle is good to apply. But overuse of it has really bad cumulative consequences.

  • Spring Day is Coming by Shayudan
  • I”m pretty picky about science fiction art. But this is beautiful, and draws you in to the setting.

  • Could we consider allowing posts of lists of communities as well as questions?
  • Not a stupid question at all - the way you do it isn’t intuitive, and I hope gets made easier with further software developments. In the search bar near your username at the upper right enter, communityname@instancename, for ex., and if it’s working right the version of the community that’s synced to kbin will show up. Catch is that right now it randomly seems to glitch, and fail or return nothing, so if doesn’t work at first you’ll just have to try again later. I’m sure the people running the site are aware of the issue and trying to get it sorted out, for now it’s one of the things to put up with a platform that basically started last month.

  • Well shit, they're even going after tiny not-so-active subs like mine
  • You could even do an image with a QR code to the kbin or lemmy address.

  • /kbin server update - or how the server didn't blow up
  • I had a feeling that the silence over the last few days was a sign that a huge amount of work was happening behind the scenes. I also think you’re doing an excellent job of communicating with us. Thank you for all your effort that’s allowed this community to grow.

  • Neural Networks Need Data to Learn. Even If It’s Fake. Neural Networks Need Data to Learn. Even If It’s Fake. | Quanta Magazine

    Real data can be hard to get, so researchers are turning to synthetic data to train their artificial intelligence systems.

    I’ve been following the development of the next Stable Diffusion model, and I’ve seen this approach mentioned.

    Seems like this is a way in which AI training is analogous to human learning - we learn quite a lot from fiction, games, simulations and apply this to the real world. I’m sure the same pitfalls apply as well.

    BrainFood - new magazine for interesting/educative videos
  • Thanks for bringing it to our attention. Discovery is difficult right now, advertising in places that are genuinely relevant is a real service.

  • Thunder in your head?
  • I think I’ve experienced this a few times that I can recall.

  • What is something simple that you do to decompress and keep yourself centered?
  • It's just one method to make tea. Some teas taste quite different from cup to cup (wuyi oolongs, for example), some are more consistent, in my experience. What I like is that it's easy to adjust depending on the outcome - one infusion is too weak or too strong? Brew the next one more or less.

  • Why artificial intelligence needs to understand consequences

    A machine with a grasp of cause and effect could learn more like a human, through imagination and regret.

    This is the potential development in AI I'm most interested in. So naturally, I tested this when I first used ChatGPT. In classic ChatGPT fashion, when asked to make a directed acyclic graph representing cause and effect, it could interpret that well enough to make a simple graph...but got the cause and effect flow for something as simple as lighting a fire. Haven't tried it again with ChatGPT-4 though.

    What is something simple that you do to decompress and keep yourself centered?
  • I enjoy brewing loose leaf tea gongfu style (in a small vessel with many infusions): it gives me just enough to do, and a pleasant stimulus to focus on, that it's very grounding.

  • Removed as moderator of /r/Celebrities after 14 years
  • Click the plus icon to the left of your username at the top right corner of the screen . Last option on the drop-down menu is “create new magazine”.

  • What are your favorite smaller tech-related groups on kbin/lemmy?
  • I’ve seen the fedi search link before, it’s a great idea. That said, it’s currently no good for finding things on kbin - for example, try searching AskKbin, which has been quite active - you get almost nothing back. Hopefully it will be better in a few days.

  • This is Bowling Ball, she says blankets = safety
  • Aww. How did she get that name?

  • What are your favorite smaller tech-related groups on kbin/lemmy?

    Like most who’ve joined kbin or lemmy, I’m actively looking for more communities to subscribe to. We don’t have a way to do a centralized search for these across instances yet, so I’m sure there’s some I’ve overlooked. What smaller technology related groups have you discovered that could use more publicity?

    So far, I like the spirit of Actually Useful AI - “Not allowed - anything else the mods consider “crypto bro”/“AI bro” success porn sigma grindset blogspam” 😆. Aside from AI, I’d be interested in finding active communities that focus on web development.

    I created a site that helps people search the fediverse
  • Awesome. Though I notice very little shows up from; content I know is there is missing when I search for it. That may have more to do with the recency of the site growth or the cloudflare protection that was up a few days ago.

  • Could we consider allowing posts of lists of communities as well as questions?

    Right now, the search capabilities we have for findings magazines aren’t great, and aren’t usually going to show communities on similar topics across instances. If people make lists of related communities and posted them here, I think it would help people find communities they are searching for.

    A satirical debate between tea and wine from Tang Dynasty China

    The ‘Cha Jiu Lun’, A Debate Between Tea and Wine

    If you’ve heard of an old Chinese text concerning tea, it’s probably Lu Yu’s The Classic of Tea. This debate amusing and short, and a reminder that tea drinking was once a new custom in China, too.

    babelspace babelspace

    And as imagination bodies forth The forms of things unknown, the poet's pen Turns them to shapes and gives to airy nothing A local habitation and a name.

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