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when you upgrade an OS, do you clean install or upgrade?
  • I almost always prefer clean installation when possible, while making sure to backup important content from highly accessed folders like Desktop, Downloads and Documents (on Windows), for example.

  • ***
  • Which instance would you recommend? I'm looking for one that's the most stable and relatively fast compared to other instances. Also, I believe it's also geography dependent because instances don't have CDNs?

  • ***
  • Yes. I updated my uBlock Origin and it seems to skip through YouTube video ads for now. But I'm sure YouTube's team is hard at work trying to overcome the new workaround. This is essentially going to be a tech arms race, lol.

  • [Rant] I swear to fucking god. Windows is harder to use than Linux. Have any of you ever USED Windows lately? Holy fuck.
  • I use Windows 10 LTSC (the Enterprise edition with long-term updates and way less bloat) for this very reason. It's the most tolerable version of Windows for me and I'm not planning to make the switch to Windows 11 anytime soon.

  • Reddit's crappy app has code for a "get money for your karma" program
  • Inb4 reddit karma farms pop-up all over the third world promising unlimited upvotes.

  • is there a Lemmy App for the smartphone?
  • Typing this from mlem and the experience is incredible and very Apollo-like. And this is a pre-release version -- great work by the dev.

  • India rail crash probe is focusing on manual bypass of track signal
  • Your impression isn't super far off from the reality of the state of railways in India, but the central (federal) government there has been making substantial investments into the train systems. It's just that this particular region has long been known for being marginalized and neglected when it comes to infrastructure development and funding in general.

  • for the Reddit refugees, do you also feel a bit heartbroken?
  • I agree. Lemmy is super wholesome right now and it looks like most of the folks who've migrated over aren't the toxic types... at least not yet.

  • Do your part, try not to lurk!
  • Watch me reply to a random comment.

  • New Mlem release in TestFlight - 0.0.6 (22)!
  • Yep, I could sense that. I couldn't log into Lemmy on Mlem because of the hug of death lol.

  • New Mlem release in TestFlight - 0.0.6 (22)!
  • Any ideas about when this app will be available for the general public on the Apple App Store? I'm hoping to be among the first to download it once it becomes available on the app store like other regular apps :)

  • I used to browse lemmy and then browse reddit and post interesting stuff here
  • I agree. This feels like the beginning of something beautiful and I'm guessing we're still in the honeymoon phase.

    But yeah, better to be here than on the corporatized hell hole that reddit has become.

  • What bots would you like to see on Lemmy?
  • Beat me to it. Came here to say exactly this.

  • What OS do you use on your pc and why?
  • Pirated version of Windows 10 LTSC (v2021) because FUCK Microsoft.

  • Preparing for the hug of death
  • Another reddit refugee here and this is my first ever comment on (or any of the Lemmy instances, for that matter). Welcome!

  • axb axb
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