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Got to find a leftiest place.
  • nothing to do with that persons race

    Oh, really? Comparing an Chinese man to a yellow skinned character has nothing to do with race?

  • Got to find a leftiest place.
  • Have you considered that the meme might have different impact coming from a Chinese person ribbing their leader than a white westerner echoing it? The former might be "light ribbing" but the later is racist. Who says a thing matters significantly on whether its ok to say. You know this very well because I'd hope you'd know that its not ok for white people to use the soft r n word even though many black people use it.

  • Got to find a leftiest place.
  • See also the most common opinion on Gonzalo (yes I know there are Gonzalites, haven't seen them around here though).

  • [Chen Weihua tweet]

    The discouse around this chant has been such a cognitohazard but also funny as hell

    One more hot take for the road before bed! Goodnight Hexbear!

    "Words have meaning" she says as she just completely makes up a sentence noone said.

    Included Mohammad's response for the laugh

    Yeah imagine if something objectively good happened. Imagine.

    Yes Ive bee posting a lot of hot takes on here lately. No I will not stop.


    Nice, argument, however

    Domon just shows up at your house

    A sequel to the Death Note post

    I already see a couple I disagree with but I'll let the discourse handle it.

    sex work is work
  • OK I can see how you can twist reality to call China or the DPRK's militaries nonpeaceful even though you'd be wrong, but Cuba's? Really?

  • News autismdragon [he/him, comrade/them]
    Gaetz disposed of McArthy lol, cant way to see this clown show continue House ousts Kevin McCarthy as speaker, a first in U.S. history

    It was not clear who would replace McCarthy, who was elected speaker in January after Republicans won control of the House in the 2022 midterm elections.

    House ousts Kevin McCarthy as speaker, a first in U.S. history
    ‘We Cannot Win’ Says Top Russian Commander
  • I swear someone could claim like "Russia is controlled by an army of demons" and if someone from Hexbear was like "actually that is not true you should stick to the realm of fact in your criticisms of Russia" posters you'd still get like "WHY ARE YOU DEFENDING RUSSIA? DONT YOU KNOW RUSSIA ISNT COMMUNIST".

  • Hexbear federation megathread
  • Oh, thats good to know, can you provide more detail?

  • Vivek Ramaswamy Wants to Raise Voting Age to 25 (or have a "competency test" for people 18-25)
  • Felons in states where that loses you voting rights get taxed if they work. Same with if a 16 year old works. We already arent consistent with this one lol

  • Vivek Ramaswamy Wants to Raise Voting Age to 25 (or have a "competency test" for people 18-25)
  • I know why this idea seems attractive to people sometimes, but I don't trust the people in power to administer one in an unbiased way.


  • Vivek Ramaswamy Wants to Raise Voting Age to 25 (or have a "competency test" for people 18-25)
  • Not yet but I wouldn't be suprised to see Trump and/or Desantis pick this idea up. Also, I think its both 1. funny and 2. telling how scared they are of gen z.

  • Hexbear federation megathread
  • Yes, they're an ideologically committed centrist liberal to a pretty extreme degree. The absolute refusal to accept the crimes of liberal capitalism as anything but "mistakes" that they "learned from" is pretty detached from reality.

  • Hexbear federation megathread
  • Perfect example! Winston Churchill was a racist who committed intentional genocide in India.

    And he wasn't just "making mistakes". He was an evil man doing evil things on purpose.

  • Hexbear federation megathread
  • You're just constantly and tiringly arguing from the assumption that liberals are only ever bad because they "made mistakes" but I swear they mean well and are trying to do the right thing! Despite the incredible death toll that can be laid at their feat.

    But communists are malicious and trying to do evil.

    Every time.

  • Hexbear federation megathread
  • Liberals dismantled those colonial empires.

    This is the same argument as "but whites also FREED the slaves" and "but men also GAVE the women the vote".

  • Hexbear federation megathread
  • Its only whataboutism to you because we are applying the same standard to liberal countries you are to communist ones.

    Also America has NOT grown and learned from the internment camps.

  • Hexbear federation megathread
  • You know the western powers signed non agression pacts with Nazi Germany too right? And then did appeasment?

  • Hexbear federation megathread
  • This is just ahistorical in like 5 different ways I wouldn't even know where to begin, nor do I consider you worth it. Have fun.

  • Hexbear federation megathread
  • And I don't tend to play nice with bloodthirsty fascists

    Thats our attitude as well. Your problem is that you think the people who have been historically proven to be better at fighting fascism are the actual fascists. Its enlightened centrist garbage.

  • Hexbear federation megathread
  • I don't really love everything the USSR did either. I think the population transfers were generally a pretty bad thing. But I don't do that both sides shit.

  • autismdragon autismdragon [he/him, comrade/them]

    A real autism! He/him bisexual man that might be a demiboy but probably not. I like media. Extraordinarily DILF.

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